The Purported, Black Nationalist Flag
“Up You Mighty People. We Accomplish Whatever We Will”
(Marcus Garvey)
This flag and others similar to it, with variations of these three (3) colors, names and definitions is the supposedly or purported emblem of so called African-Americans, i.e., Black Citizens of US, federal, black super citizenship.
It’s my contention that it stands to reason that these myriad of names and color designs if fitting for the descendants of chattel slaves, and Freemen (non slave blacks)
This flag and others similar to it, with several variations of these three (3) (colors, red, black, green), its names and definitions is supposedly or purported emblem of so called African-Americans, i.e., black citizens of US, federal, black super citizenship.
Its my contention that it stands to reason, that these myriad arrangements of colors designs, names, etc., is fitting for the descendants of chattel slaves, and Freemen (non slave blacks), being of an extremely diverse, warring, ethnic, African peoples forced into the oneness of slavery, being bound only by chains and shackles of bondage.
Such a scenario explains why that more freedom in the USA is granted to these diverse peoples, the more violent they become towards each other despite them/us all being “black”, whatever that means, given who is defining it and what purposes. (See: Freedom To Kill)
While these flag, this one in particular is supposed to be the rallying call for black unity, initially according to the late, Marcus Garvey, who designed it in 1920, was for Pan Africanism, i.e. the international-global diaspora out of Africa, somehow its to be primarily for US black citizens.
Thus far, it’s being adopted as the emblem of the “Reparations Now movement” (RNM); “Black Lives Matter” (BLM); and other such groups and movements, including that of the newly forming, “Matters of Black Lives” (MBL), which declares that as of July 17, 2020, Venice Beach, California is the birth place of the Fourth Civil Rights Struggle Era (4th CRSE).
Note: The July 17th passing of the Hon. John Lewis, last of the “Big Six” of the Third Civil Rights Era of the 1960’s, marks the passing or end of that mostly failed movement.
Nevertheless, here in the words of Marcus Garvey himself, is his explanation of the flag/bannor…
Show me the race or the nation without a flag, and I will show you a race of people without any pride. Aye! In song and mimicry they have said, “Every race has a flag but the coon.” How true! Aye! But that was said of us four years ago. They can’t say it now. …
The Universal Negro Catechism, published by the UNIA in 1921, refers to the colors of the flag meaning:[6]
Red is the color of the blood which men must shed for their redemption and liberty; black is the color of the noble and distinguished race to which we belong; green is the color of the luxuriant vegetation of our Motherland.
According to the UNIA more recently, the three colors on the Black Nationalist flag represent:
red: the blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry, and shed for liberation;
black: black people whose existence as a nation, though not a nation-state, is affirmed by the existence of the flag;
and green: the abundant natural wealth of Africa.[8]
It is also my contention, that the adoption of this flag by federal, black super citizens is a definite sign that they/we are fully ignorant of the great status that has been bestowed upon us by GOD via the US Constitution, particular the 1866-58 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of citizenship, whereby it equalizes chattel slave descendants, et al., to experience one “as is enjoyed by white citizens”.
Here is another version of the Black National Flag, which would be more in keeping with black, super citizenship.
While colorful and soulful, this flag and its various definitions greatly pales in light of the National Flag of the United States wherein black citizens collectively, are the most powerful people in world history.