WTP: The Preamble
The Preamble Constitution of the United States of America The Citizens Oath of Office We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish…
The Federal Super Citizenship Status of US Black Citizens
The descendants of chattel slaves and Freemen (non enslaved American blacks), are the sole, exclusive Subject Beneficiaries of the only federal, super citizenship status … granted in United States citizenry……
AMERICA: This New Spirit Within You
“Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the…
PYW – USN THANKS EACH OF YOU Keith Hardine – (Los Angeles, CA) Constitution Conservative Foremost, lay-scholar on the US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers and American founding principles….
The Black Nationalist Flag
The Purported, Black Nationalist Flag “Up You Mighty People. We Accomplish Whatever We Will” (Marcus Garvey) This flag and others similar to it, with variations of these three (3)…
The Primary Intent of the “Matters of Black Lives” movement (MBLM) segment of the Fifth and hopefully, final Era in the 155 years, nation-altering, USA Civil Rights Struggle… Being a…
The term “Black Lives Matter” is an obvious ignorance of the great significant substance in soul of black lives as US federal, super citizens . Objectively viewing United States history,…
The Matters of Black Lives: HISTORICAL STATEMENT
Of course, BLACK LIVES MATTER…Even As ALL LIVES DO MATTER, As Well! Black Lives Is The Substantive Matter of All Lives. Because black lives (US Federal Super Citizens), all lives…
STOP THE WAR: Silent, Ancient African, Black On Black Warfare Transferred and Continued Into America
There Is A Continual, Silent, Ancient African, Black On Black Warfare Transferred Into The USA According to the D.O.J. (US Department of Justice) circa seven thousand, five…