The term, “Matters of All Lives” has it foundations in that of the United States Declaration of Independence, wherein is written that,
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (human beings) are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (property)”
Of course, this is belief in which primarily thousands of young, innocent, American, British Colonial and British Empire white boys and men killed each other over, for, because of, is contrary that in which such a proposition is not true, but that, since the foundations of world civilizations, dating to the Biblical, city of antiquity, known as Ur of the Chaldeans, i.e., infant Babylon, whereby they/we are not born onto this earth equally.
Due to this believe wherein the prevailing mind set and attitudes of superiority and inferiority, human beings have consistently deved justification, even that which is divine, to conduct military excursions against one another.
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