admin – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM Recruiting We The People Fri, 26 Mar 2021 17:38:14 +0000 en hourly 1 admin – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM 32 32 OPENING COMMENTS Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:44:27 +0000 The term “Black Lives Matter” is an obvious ignorance of the great significant substance in soul of black lives as US federal, super citizens .

Objectively viewing United States history, along with its foundational laws, the soulful “matter of black lives” is the nation-saving-preserving foundation and concomitantly, the cohesive substance that holds the element of this widely diverse, We the People of the Republican Form of Government, Union of 50 sovereign States, and its Territories, together in unity, that it “not perish from the earth.”

“We have given you a republic, if you can keep it” Founding Fathers

The primary root or foundational cause of our present woes, is due to this particularly, most important factual matter, which we black citizens are ignorant of reality of our special, federal-White House, Presidential protected and promoted, super citizenship status.

When we finally come to active conscious of this fact, then other matters will take their due course to rectification and notice.

In fact, it is the root of cause of the true American Dream which the late, young prophet, the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. prophesies saying his dream, “…one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”  Such rising up includes both white and black citizens combined.

In fact, the matter of black lives in the USA is so significantly important to its existence, including national as well as global identity in so many strategic and ironic incidents too numerous to discuss here.

The greatest fact is that 740,000 young, innocent white boys and men of the Northern Union and Southern Confederacy, plus 38,000 blacks of such who gave their lives including President Abraham Lincoln battling against each other in the 1861-64 Civil War, or the War To End Chattel Slavery over.

Note: The millions more wounded in body and soul (mind-emotions-intellect) and their bereft families, having negative consequences even unto this present day.

This domestic white citizen on white citizen war took more lives than all the other USA conflicts combined from the Revolutionary through to Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

Furthermore, as a foundational matter, this erroneously purported “nation of immigration” is built upon the backs of American, black chattel slaves, even with their help is many and varied ways.

Therefore, “black lives matter” in the USA is an easy given to the historically astute.

As to date, “black lives matter” is erroneously and disrespectfully, a singular matter of one being associated primarily with “the police”, i.e., the judicial, law enforcement, correctional institution, which in and of itself is a consequence of the myriad of “matter of black lives”, engulfing both negative and positive substances.

Listed are a few of “the matters of black lives”


Matters of Black Lives: Ted Talking Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:09:55 +0000  

On The Hill of Justice in the “We the People Plaza”, Venice Beach,
California – Saturday, July 11, 2020 videoed,
edited and produced by Bob Aisawa of Azuza Street Outpouring

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Why We Turn the Flag Upside Down: VIDEO Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:06:54 +0000
In Honor of US Military Personnel

On The Hill of Justice
“We the People Plaza”, Venice Beach, California –
Saturday, July 11, 2020
videoed, edited and produced by Bob Aisawa of Azuza Street Outpouring

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