Ted – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM https://mattersofblacklives.com Recruiting We The People Sun, 15 Dec 2024 07:13:08 +0000 en hourly 1 https://mattersofblacklives.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-upsidedownflag-600x800-1-32x32.jpg Ted – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM https://mattersofblacklives.com 32 32 The Term: “WHITE CITIZENS”, Hence, “Black Citizens” Section 1, 1866 Civil Rights, Progenitor of the 14th Amendment https://mattersofblacklives.com/wcitizens/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/wcitizens/#respond Sun, 15 Dec 2024 05:13:11 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=2082 “Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
…in Congress assembled, That all persons born in the United States and not subject to
…any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of
…the United States;
and such citizens, of every race and color, without regard to any previous
…condition of slavery or involuntary servitude,
except as a punishment for crime whereof, the
…party shall have been duly convicted, shall have the same right, in every State and Territory
…in the United States, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, and give evidence,
…to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property, and to full and
…equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property,
as is enjoyed by white citizens
, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, and penalties,
…and to none other, any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.”

NOTE: The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, (43 Stat. 253, enacted June 2, 1924) – Fifty-six (56) years later.

https://mattersofblacklives.com/wcitizens/feed/ 0
The United Truce – Peace Day https://mattersofblacklives.com/truce/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/truce/#respond Wed, 19 May 2021 02:08:08 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1500 A Point of a Critical Mass “Offering” and Celebration of Loving Kindness In Human Awareness
Proclaiming Venice Beach, The Epicenter of New, Universal Civility, Reconciliation Healing

(See Event Info Menu)

On Sunday, June 12, 2021 We the People will proclaim and declare from the Hill of Justice, Venice Beach, California as the epicenter of the new, universal, world civility.

In the spirit and honest intent of the marshaling slogan of “Black Lives Matter”, We the People of The Hill of Justice will now initiate the next step to conscientiously actualizing such.

The clarion “voice” in /of Venice Beach proclaims that the Reconciling the Matters of Black Lives is the “superstructure” of why All Lives Matter.

Hence, the most empowering matter or substance solely within the stewardship of US black citizens, is their specially enacted, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act (The Act) of federal, super citizenship status.

It is intended that when and as the original Subject Beneficiaries of this super federal citizenship law, learn literacy to comprehend the unprecedented enactment of its authorities, they will save themselves and subsequently, the Union Republic.

We further proclaim that this united day of “truce-peace”, establishes the first stages of promulgating the ideals of the anti-slavery, 1854-56 Republican Mission.

Based on the power of our natural, mutually invested interest, we can now amicably and civilly work out perceived differences, that this Republic was born with July 2-4, 1776.

The Four Primary Topics
Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be US Presidential Executed and deployed in order to achieve their objectives.

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness – Strategic National Policy and Plan

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Promissory Note Campaign

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare – “Unsettled Generational Differences” – “Telling the Story”

Immediate Action Awareness Campaign

  1. “Flip the Flag” Petition

  2. Revelation and implementation of HR # 194 (Simple) Apology Resolution – Petitions

  3. Revelation and proper Execution of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Super Citizenship status of black citizens.

  4. Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare – “Telling the Story”

https://mattersofblacklives.com/truce/feed/ 0
Volunteer: Event Responsibilities-Chores of Awakening Day https://mattersofblacklives.com/chores/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/chores/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 16:35:10 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1441 See Event Info Menu

The Point of a Critical Mass “Offering” and Celebration of Loving Human Awareness: Venice Beach, Epicenter of New, Universal Civility by Reconciliation Healing

Objective: The “Enlistment”, Development and Training of A Peaceful, Justice of Love Army In Order To Effectuate Greater, Universal Civility, Beginning With The Matters of Black Lives In The USA

Event Strategic Teams
Social Media II – promotions

Flier Distribution

  • all retail and vendor merchants, as well as “houseless” and “housed” residents nearest the beach.

  • post posters on walls, poles, pavilions, in stores, etc.


  1. Message in joy (entertainment)

  2. Presenters

Program Agenda

  1. Opening Statements

  2. Meaning of The Hill of Justice – history

  3. Meditation/Prayer

  4. Playing National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance (will explain strategy)
    Those who chose not acknowledge this practice, are strongly encouraged to take whatever form of statement they choose, not disturbing (noise and physical) fellow participants, i.e., “taking a knee”, “turning the back”, “raising a middle finger”, not standing, etc., nor, will you be castigated by anyone for doing so. We must transcend!

  5. Reading the Venice Beach Proclamation

  6. Message in joy (entertainment)

Topic Presentations

  1. The One Year History-Foundation

  2. The Spirit of Black Lives Matter – “The Next Forward Step” To Prophet MLK “American Promised Land” Why All Inclusive! All Lives Matter, because Black Lives Matter (will explain)

  3. The Procession

  4. The geo-physical significance of the Hill of Justice in “We the People Plaza”  locally, nationally, and globally.

  5. The Reason For “Matters of Black Lives”

  6. Not Mob. Organized, Effective, We the People, Body Politic with defined goals and objectives

Note: Non-Violence and riotous behavior not associated with the matters of affairs.  Yet, according to Declaration of Independence, the Second Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation we are choose, disciplined, organized, productive, non-riotous measures and actions of peaceful, civil demonstration when called for.

Key Note Speaks On Meaning of the Day, and Forward Directives

Campaign Actions

  • Apology Resolution Petition and actions, plus its meaning
  • Revelation of HR #194, expecting response from CBC, et al
  • The Promissory Note – 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, federal, super citizenship status of black citizens


  1. Monitors – In need of a chief or director

  2. Front Proclaim Scouts -Proclaiming the Procession and inviting participation, as well communicating with communications director at chief monitor side.

  3. Rear Guard Proclaim – maintaining cohesiveness and proclaiming contact info, etc., as well as reporting to director

  4. Equipment Director
    Directs equipment movement, particularly the primary sound system of pushing cart, and maintaining order around it.

  5. Equipment Manager
    Works in unison with director of administration of equipment

  6. Equipment
    Hand megaphones

  7. Communications systems – walkie-talkies or cell phones

  8. Flags and banners of – Love, Peace, Justice, Order, Humanity, Universe, GOD, Unity, We the People, etc.

  9. Primary Sound System and accompanying systems. Are they connectable?

  10. Yellow tape – The tape will be carried on east and west side of procession, not for keeping individuals out, as everyone is allowed to respectfully participate, but rather, maintain a cohesive movement

Social Media I – PR
Distribution of Fliers
Instagram, Face Book, Tik-Tok, Message, You Tube, emails, etc., as well as any other platform

PR Street Distribution of Fliers

  • Distribute fliers and stacks of leaflets for customers of all retail and venture merchants, as well as “houseless” and “housed” residents nearest beach.

  • Post posters on walls, poles, pavilions, in stores, etc.

Program Time Agenda
Hosted by two, plus allowing Ted, as “helm” brief intermittent intervention if needed for clarity direction, with circa 13 presenters.

Each presenter will give only 3 minute tease information on their assigned topics, always ending with there is more at give our contact information…allowing for at least 39 minutes total with no doubt overdrafts.

  1. 4:30 Opening Ceremony and Statements –

  2. 4:40 Meaning of The Hill of Justice –

  3. 4:45 Meditation/Prayer –

  4. 4:55 Playing National Anthem and Allegiance Pledge (I will explain strategy. Remember, “Capture the Flag”) – Veteran leadership
    Those who chose acknowledge, are encouraged to take whatever form of statement they choose, as long as it doesn’t disturb (noise and physical) fellow participants, i.e., “taking a knee”, “turning the back”, “raising a middle finger”, not standing, etc., nor will you be castigated by anyone. We must transcend!

  5. 5:00 Reading of the Great, Venice Beach Proclamation –

  6. 5:10 Musical entertainment Coordinator

Topic Presentations
(Each topic will have a presenter)

  1. The One Year History-Foundation

  2. The Spirit of Black Lives Matter – “The Next Forward Step” To Prophet MLK – “American Promised Land” Why All Inclusive! All Lived Matter, because Black Lives Matter (will explain) –

  3. The Procession –

  4. The geo-physical meaning of the Hill of Justice in “We the People Plaza”, VB in significant effect upon local, national, and global destiny –

  5. The Reason For “Matters of Black Lives”

  6. Not Mob. Organized, Effective, We the People, Body Politic with defined goals and objectives –

Note: Being counter productive, non-Violence and riotous behavior can’t be not associated with the matters of these affairs.  According to the Declaration of Independence, the Second Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation, we choose disciplined, organized, productive, non-riotous measures and actions of productive, peaceful, civil demonstration as needed.

  1. Key Note Speaks On Meaning of the Day, and Forward Directives – Ted Hayes

  1. The Four Campaign Actions –(Director)

  2. “Flip the Flag” Upside Down Flag Initiative “Capture the Flag” petition –

  3. Apology Resolution Petition –
    Revelation of HR #194, expecting official response from Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), et al, perhaps petition

  4. The Promissory Note – 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, federal, super citizenship status of black citizens –

Participation Enlistment
Procession: Requesting Participation From retail and vendors to display:

  • USA Flag Upside Down, the national symbol of Dire DISTRESS of Life and Property, hence, Freedom…along with those that are Right Side Up

    Note: This patriotic demonstration depicts positive forces uniting into a effective, We the People body politic that will eradicate the causes of its state.

  • Nationalities and Cultures of Flags represented in Venice Beach

    Note: In need of someone to request of every foreign embassy the donation of its National Flag, and to send volunteers in support of the Reconciling Healing of America, as such is obviously in their interest, and it’s the least matter that they can to demonstrate their appreciation of conducting business in and with the USA

  • Posters and art supporting and celebrating the initiative

https://mattersofblacklives.com/chores/feed/ 0
Letter of Participation Invitation https://mattersofblacklives.com/letter/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/letter/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 16:07:18 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1433 See Event Info Menu

A Point of a Critical Mass “Offering” and Celebration of Loving Human Awareness
Proclaiming Venice Beach Epicenter of New, Universal Civility, Reconciliation Healing

Greetings, retail and “street” vendors, entertainers and artist, un-housed, i.e., so called homeless, and housed residents, et al, of Venice Beach, Shalom!

On Sunday, June 12, 2021, from the Hill of Justice, Venice Beach, California, will de facto, be proclaimed and declared the Epicenter of New, Universal Civility movement of Healing Reconciliation.

As the world has cried such, in the spirit of “Black Lives Matter”, not the national, Marxist-socialist organization, We the People will initiate our next, organized step towards the ultimate Objective, goals, and strategies to achieve them.

The world has developed into “a perfect storm” of critical situations and matters, which ironically offers great opportunities whereby We together can model the global spirit of Reconciliatory Healing.

As a collective and living “Offering” of ourselves in model form, perhaps, the Thinking Universe, and Its’ Creator GOD-Deity, Most High, Et Al, might transform the ominous doom we sense, into the blessing that humanity has always desired to breathe free for.

It is historically correct, that as Black Lives Matter, subsequently, All Lives Matter equally.

By the once “hidden”, post, “hot”, US Civil War (1861-1865) enactment of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, black citizens empower themselves to forge the way whereby our beloved, Union Republic is saved.

Should Venice Beach elect to lead the reconciling of the great dispute between USA white citizens against themselves, over those who are black, then other nations and peoples will naturally and gladly apply our remedies to their own painful, generational woes.

As the Procession passes, would please display the Flags of your nationality, along with upside down, USA Flag, which according to the National Flag Codes, Sec. 8, a, that in times of Dire DISTRESS of Life, Property, hence Freedom, whereby We citizens rally into one active body politic that rectify the matter.

For further information, you may contact me at 424-248-4219 or email: Ted@TedHayes.us or visit: www.MattersofBlackLives.com  Thanks for your support and participation,

Ted Hayes


https://mattersofblacklives.com/letter/feed/ 0
INFORMATION MENUS: Venice Beach, Great Humanity Awakening: Information https://mattersofblacklives.com/awaken/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/awaken/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 15:05:52 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1399 Double Event: Announcement Flier The New Epicenter of Universal Civility

Basic Team Knowledge

Proclamation: “Critical Mass”

Introduction: Great Venice Beach Awakening

United Truce-Peace Day

METAPHOR: Federal, Black Citizens Are “Battering Ram” Head – All Lives Being The Shaft For Justice

The 4 Primary Objectives

Letter of Participation To Retail and Vendor Merchants, Artist (musical, dance, drums, skaters, boarders, bikers, athletes, local near VB residents, and the so called homeless, i.e., un-housed.

Event Responsibilities: Volunteer Chores

https://mattersofblacklives.com/awaken/feed/ 0
The Four Primary Objectives https://mattersofblacklives.com/four/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/four/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 08:41:07 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1396 The Four Primary, Practical Objectives of The May 30th Venture

See Event Info Menu

Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be Presidential executed and deployed in order to achieve their objectives

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness – Strategic National Policy and Plan

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare – “Unsettled Generational Differences” – “Telling the Story”

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amend., Promissory Note Campaign

Immediate Action Awareness Campaign

  • Flip the US Flag Petition – according to the US National Flag Code, Sec.8, a as another point of national unification that we don’t forget our great task remaining before concerning the matter of black lives, especially as it relates to all lives.  When we have done so, We then upright The Flag

  • Revelation and implementation of HR # 194 (Simple) Apology Resolution – Petitions

  • Revelation and proper Execution Campaign of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Super Citizenship status of black citizens.

  • Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare – “Telling the Story”

  • Maintaining Presence on Hill and Continuing regular Processions of Ocean Front Walk (OFW)

https://mattersofblacklives.com/four/feed/ 0
ANNOUNCING: The Venice Beach, Great Humanity Awakening https://mattersofblacklives.com/intro/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/intro/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 06:43:11 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1384 Introducing

Matters of Black Lives demonstrates that such a US Constitutional fact is in the direct interest and benefit of All Lives Being of Matter.

(Mission Statement: Matters of Black Lives)
(Event Info Menu)

In the spirit of BLMs’ sincere and correct intent, this particular movement of We the People, spawning from Venice Beach,  is its next, logical step towards the American “Promised Land”, prophesied by Martin Luther King, Jr.,

Execute the joint action of general, i.e., “white citizens” (Sec. 1, The Act), combined with federal, “black” citizens of super citizenship status. (See The Battering Ram of Justice)

The Four Primary Topics
Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be Presidentially Empowered in order to achieve their objectives

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizens

Action Awareness Campaign

    • Flip the US Flag Petition – according to the US National Flag Code, Sec.8, a as another point of national unification that we don’t forget our great task remaining before concerning the matter of black lives, especially as it relates to all lives.

  • Revelation of the 2008, US Congressional Apology Resolution – Petition

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizenship

  • Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare

https://mattersofblacklives.com/intro/feed/ 0
Double Event of Sunday, June 12, 2021, Venice Beach, CA. https://mattersofblacklives.com/proclamation/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/proclamation/#respond Tue, 11 May 2021 06:15:15 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1383 Double Event of Sunday,

See Event Information Menu


The New Epicenter of Universal Civility

Primary Objectives:


The Procession
2:00 pm – Procession Gathering At Rose Ave. & Ocean Front Walk
3:00 pm Pct – Procession Begins

4:30 pm. Pct Re-Raising Banner on the Hill of Justice


Regardless of differences, etc., this “truce” day will serve as a mutually awakened, living model “Offering” of Thanks and Appreciation in sight of the Thinking Universe and to Its Creator, with firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence by which the body politic of We the People make and hold order, truce, civility justice love peace.

Just Simply Imagine Together
Imagine every ethno-racial, religious-spiritual identity, social class status, age, etc., for one day, joining together in a singular, body politic, and perhaps instead of impending doom, our “truce” action may cause it to transform into global blessings.  At least, We can try!

The Dual Actions

Direct Presidential Attention
This Day is designed to grab the attention of the President of the United States (POTUS), and by the authority of Section 8 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, including 4 and 9, plus 2, etc., being based the Emancipation Proclamation, he as Commander in Chief, is Constitutionally mandated expected0 to meet with and comply with our petitions,  No excuses!

” and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

Global Attention – “Think Globally. Act Locally”
Appealing to all world citizens of every nation in their correct concerns for the matters of black lives, i.e., federal; black citizens in/of the United States, which is the primary source of foreign nation’s countries’ existence; and as such is built upon the backs of chattel enslaved Americans.

Further appeals are to the Human Rights entity of the United Nations, The Hague, and other world bodies that address the national as well as individual, human rights injustices, along with every human rights watch NGO’s.

https://mattersofblacklives.com/proclamation/feed/ 0
Proclamation: “Critical Mass” https://mattersofblacklives.com/proc/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/proc/#respond Sun, 09 May 2021 18:58:28 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1375 A Critical Mass Point of “Offerings” and Celebration of the
Loving Kindness In Human Awareness
(See Event Info Menu)

Proclaiming Venice Beach:
The Epicenter of the New, Universal Civility
For Reconciliation Healing

The Truce  Day 0f, to, and for Humanity
Regardless of differences, etc., this particular “truce” day will serve as a mutually awakened, living model “Offering” in appreciative Celebration before the sights of the Thinking Universe and in Its Creator, with firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we hold “order, truce, civility, peace and justice by LOVE”.

Just Simply Imagine Together
Represented by every ethno-racial, religious-spiritual identity, social class status, age, etc., together here in Venice Beach into a singular, body politic of We the People, that perhaps instead of the expected, impending doom,  our sacred “Offering” may be appeasing altering it into global blessings.

The Dual Actions
Presidential Attention
This Day, is designed to grab the attention of the President of the United States (POTUS), and by the authority of Section 8 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, including 4 and 9, plus 2, etc., being based the Emancipation Proclamation, as Commander in Chief, is mandated to meet with, hear and heed our petitions. No excuses allowed!

Global Attention – “Think Globally…Act Locally”
Appealing to all world citizens of every nation, especially in light of their concerns for the matters of black lives, i.e., Black Citizens in the United States, which is the primary source of these countries’ existence; and that such is built upon the backs of chattel enslaved Americans; they too much be awakened and directed.

Further appeals are to the Human Rights entity of the United Nations, The Hague, and other world bodies that address the national as well as individual, human rights injustices, along with every human rights watch NGO’s.

The Double Event of Sunday, June 12, 2021, Venice Beach, CA.

2:00 pm Pct The Procession Gathering at corner of Rose Ave & Ocean Front Walk

3:00 Procession Begins To Hill of Justice

4:30 pm Pct – Banner Raising On Hill of Justice with Concert, Rally and Ceremony

Introduction To:
Matters of Black Lives (MBL) explained as not being the tactics, antics, ignorance and misguided politics of Black Lives Matter, the organization, But is rather, the passionate spirit of the movement to its next, logical step.

The Four Primary Topics
Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be Presidential Empowered in order to achieve their objectives

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizens

Action Awareness Campaign

  • Flip the US Flag Petition – according to the US National Flag Code, Sec.8, a as another point of national unification that we don’t forget our great task remaining before concerning the matter of black lives, especially as it relates to all lives.

  • Revelation of the Apology Resolution – Petitions

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizenship

  • Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare




https://mattersofblacklives.com/proc/feed/ 0
Venice Beach: HUMANITY, CIVIL AWAKENING DAY https://mattersofblacklives.com/the-force-of-ted/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/the-force-of-ted/#respond Fri, 16 Apr 2021 20:28:29 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1363

(Event Info Menu)
(Mission Statement: Matters of Black Lives)

https://mattersofblacklives.com/the-force-of-ted/feed/ 0