METAPHOR: Federal, Black Citizens Are The “Battering Ram” Head – All Lives Being The “Shaft” For Justice

A Metaphor For Justice

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As combined US citizens, they/us being both , so called “white and black”, We the People of the USA i.e., E Pluribus Unum – “Of Many One”, being Constitutionally, Preambled ordered “to more perfect the Union, establish justice, etc.”, our Preamble Oath of Citizenship duties as the Team…

The “battering ram” metaphor is:
Being the hard, metal head (iron, steel, brass, etc.) of the offensive weapon, the US federal, black citizens of unwilling immigration status of chattel slavery heritage are the “head” of the battering ram deriving their smashing power from the forward driving, wooden pole shaft of the America’s white citizens of willing, immigration heritage.

It is by this patriot Team action, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, We the  People together as intended by the founding fathers, will breakdown and through all “gates”, “doors” and “walls” of the “castle” of injustice held occupied by foreign and domestic enemies.

The patriot factions of over hundreds of millions of Americans will soon unite in their mutual, unassailable, national, Moral High Ground cause to render domestic tranquility throughout our Republican Form of Government, which is the Ordu Nordu Secluruum – “New Order of The Ages”, of Annuit Coeptis – “HE-GOD-Providence Has Favored Our Undertaking-Commencement” [See Divine Providence – Declaration of Independence]

Note: “…appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name..And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”

The We the People citizens battering ram metaphor in detail

  1. All US citizens of willing immigration heritage, according to the edicts of the US, Constitution, Article I, Section 8, are the wooden shaft of the weapon.

    Its  by their power, built upon the chattel enslaved backs American, entrapped in initial 245 years (1619-1865) of the generational, systemic causing racism;

  2. The powerful, super citizenship status was enacted in 1866-68 and 70, was granted and continues to be granted due to the way in which they were purchased and transformed into chattel, not race, i.e., skin color, hair textures, as well as other anatomic features, minority, religion or social status.

  3. The primary matter of American black lives, is their special, federal-White House, President as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, a “super”-like citizenship enforced by the military;

  4. This was/is in accordance to the “living” – still active, Abraham Lincoln, January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation

    Note: “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

    Thereby, being solely and exclusive categorized as such in the US Constitution, understandably situates black lives citizens as the Constitutional recognized head of shaft, not inferior nor superior, but rather will be the combined equally and equitably breakthrough “weapon” in the “battle for America’s soul”.

    Repeat: Not because of race, i.e., skin colors and other such anatomical features, nor minority status, but rather, the unwilling immigration experience as chattel slaves, initially under the jurisdiction of the British Empire until their July 2-4, 1776 transference into that of the United States Union republic.

    All Lives Matter
    By the force of the shaft, the head breaks through through “gates” – “walls” first whereby white i.e., willing immigrant American citizens will naturally proceed together as one, all lives co-equally and co-equitably mattering as initially dreamed by the founding fathers, might come true some day…soon.  “We shall overcome” injustice!

0 thoughts on “METAPHOR: Federal, Black Citizens Are The “Battering Ram” Head – All Lives Being The “Shaft” For Justice”

  1. Наркотики, подобные как снежок, мефедрон, амфетамин и героин, выказывают безудержное воздействие сверху организм.
    Их использование разгоняет филиация, ущерб здоровья а также психики.
    Применение таких элементов, как трава, гашиш, экстази и МДМА, может привести ко патологии когнитивных функций, психозам равным образом иным продолжительным последствиям.
    Бренды “бошки”, “наркотик”, “темп” да “физептон” создают иллюзию облегчения, но сверху самом деле это цепь к гибели клеток мозга да внутренним органам.

  2. Ядовитый дурман, такие яко кокаин, мефедрон, эфедрин да героин, проявляют разрушительное воздействие сверху организм.
    Их эксплуатация вызывает филиация, ухудшение здоровья а также психики.
    Применение таких материалов, яко трава, гашиш, экстази равным образом МДМА, может привести буква нарушению когнитивных функций, психозам и прочим продолжительным последствиям.
    Бренды “бошки”, “наркотик”, “скорость” и “метадон” создают иллюзию облегчения, но сверху самом баталии этто цепь буква смерти клеток мозга также внутренним органам.

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