Comments on: The Matters of Black Lives: HISTORICAL STATEMENT Recruiting We The People Tue, 11 May 2021 21:28:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara Charmain Daniels Tue, 11 May 2021 21:28:44 +0000 Hello and how are you three “musketeers”. I am so proud of you! I am over 80 years of age , a black woman who has four earned degrees including a law degree, and I am retired (sort of), because my law license is suspended. While I am awaiting reinstatement, and since I am not accustomed to being idle I have become a researcher. I do some serious research of the official researchers and I am having the time of my life. I did my homework about you three wonderful, brave, compassionate black , young, beautiful women. My heart is filled with pride regarding you and all you went through in a battle that has changed the philosophy of millions of people of all colors, and made millions more persons still overwhelmed with surprise. They do not know what to do, think or say. You have led a campaign that has changed the whole world. The impact of your work and that of your wonderful ,wise supporters is overwhelming to all of us.
Please do not stop. Keep on keeping on! I have started, a group of seniors, “The 100 Club of Ohio”. We are all over 60, well educated, and wise to the system and problems you have had to face with so much against you, female, black, and not a drone in the bunch! Hallelujah!!! Love to you and your supporters. We will continue to pray for your success. WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO!?
