Born Into The American Revolution

American Doctrinal Foundations 101
US Declaration of Independence, The Preamble, Bill of Rights, Federal ConstitutioN
The Imperative Duty of Every American, US Citizens

“As the communist/socialist revolution is ongoing towards its ultimate goal of global dominance, so must be that of the American Revolution, ever wittingly struggling to accomplish the lofty Objective of the global American Dream” (Ted Hayes – 01/05/2020)

“No cognizant, US citizen has the luxury, nor right to not participate in the American Revolution to its conclusion” (Ted Hayes – 01/06/2020)

“Everyone born or immigrated/naturalized into USA citizenship, is and must actively involve themselves in the continuing American Revolution” (Ted Hayes 01/07/2020)

It is the general and mistaken belief that the American Revolution of March 22, 1765 – September 3, 1783 was/is a static, past occurrence relegated to non-living history books, monuments, names of places and things, battle fields, and ceremonial symbolism, but powerless, etc., and therefore ended and is of no more relevance to the present and future.  Nothing could be further from the truth

Due to this 244 year old, fundamental error or discrepensy, from generations to generations, the dutiful role of American, US citizens has laid woefully dormant as it were, frozen in ancient ice or in a suspended animation of deep sleeping, dreaming a fake Dream of America.

Such ignorant, fake dreaming has resulted in the appalling, nation-threatening situation and condition in which We the People are entrapped today.

However, as when the nine (9) month period of human gestation is ended, prior to the birth of a child, there is that of laboring, so it is with the 245 years of We the People developing into full maturity for birth.

Before birthing into the dream of our Founding Fathers, there must be nation-threatening turmoil, confusing difficulty, struggle, discomfort, deathlike pain, trials of commitment…then the birth of the American man/woman child.

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Abraham Lincoln – Gettysburg Address November 19, 1863)

Two USA Citizenship Heritages In One
In one functioning body politic of the USA are two distinct sets of citizenship, one being:

  1. Willing immigration, whereby folks from foreign nationalities, who for various reasons of disaffection with their patriot lands, but united in one ideal, in quest of the American Dream.

Note: Established in the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Sentence 4,

“To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;”

2.  Non willing, chattel slaves who were purchased from their homelands, against their wills, brought shackled in chains to America to serve those of willing immigration as living, human property.

Note: Established by the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, Section 1’s
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof (speaking of slaves and their children-descendants ) are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Against great odds, especially in the early days ocean traversing, most immigrants willingly came to this land of the American Indigenous Peoples, with the glint of the Dream of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness in their “eyes”, endured hardships and courageously overcame them;

…whereas the chattel slaves did not have such a choice of the American Dream, but rather, having one based on the success of the willing immigrants, as the late prophet Martin Luther King, Jr., proclaimed as not having the American Dream, but rather,

“I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.  I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

Nonetheless, by the cognizant and wise melding of the both into one body politic of the exceptional power of US citizenship, together, as We the People become the battering ram of justice, to break down the doors and wall of the citadels of injustice.  See: “Citizenship The “Battering Ram” Metaphor For Justice

The Three (3) Births of Freedom:
1.The First July 2-4, 1776 excluded American black whom were chattel slaves

2.The Second – The Triad Amendments – granting end of chattel slavery, except in prison; US citizenship for Free and Freedmen;

3. The Third – Yet to be determined

The Fundamental Essence of the American Revolution
Essentially, the American Revolution was a heated argument turned deadly, between “upstart”, brash, American colonial subjects, i.e., Founding Fathers, under the jurisdiction of the British Empire ruled by its monarchy of King George III of England.

The founders of the American Revolution vociferously argued that the days of the Antiqus Ordu Seclurum – “Old Order of the Ages”, i.e., tyrannous, monarchal, divine right of kings to rule over the people/masses was forever a fait accompli

…and that, in the circa six or five thousand years of recorded, world history, they were establishing a new, continuing, ageless, revolutionary change in human governing, hence, Ordu Nordu Seclurum – “New Order of the Ages.”

Whereas, representing the order of monarchism, King George III retorted, that while the quest of the Americans, though foolish, may even be noble, Nature decrees that the ideal of people civilly governing themselves, is a historical impossibility as world civilizations have always been ruled by monarchs of one kind or another.

The king correctly argues that human beings are too diverse to unionize or unite to such a degree to civilly govern each other, especially in a purported “melting pot” of willing immigrants America, consisting of multiple nationalities, ethnicities, races, religious, cultural, and political philosophies…the whole idea of First Amendment Rights of Freedom of expressing, religion and opinion.

Note: Recognizing this dilemma, the founders elected to have our Union governed by Republicanism, i.e., representative government as a opposed to that of Democracy, which is impossible mob rule.

Also, history indicates that people would rather be told what to do and ordered about, electing to reject taking the responsibility of decision making, even voting, and especially assuming leadership, having to accept culpability for potential failure, as well as praise for success.

Such is the mystery of humanity’s general tending of gravitating to tyrants, even the worse of them, particularly masses of men following generals into wars of conquest or even in defense.  Even the DOI acknowledges such behavior stating,

“…and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Regardless of record breaking numbers in the 2020 Presidential election cycle, the vast majority of US citizen whom are eligible, don’t register; those whom do register, only a minority of that demographic actually votes; nor, do they participate in the oversight of government Servants, etc., hence, We the People are succumbing to oligarchy rule, on step before monarchism.

Given the present circumstances of our country, its appears that King George III is winning the argument, and eventually will be vindicated in that people must be governed by monarchs, being naturally unable to govern themselves.

However, though the Founding Fathers concurred with the sentiments of King George III, they produced a factor into to the argument of a Divine Being, wherein the DOI, We the People identify GOD, The Creator of the Natural Universe and humanity for HIS purposes, the Judge of all the world, being protected by Divine Providence, that will cause us, as nation under HIM to actually defy the natural, human tendency to submit to tyranny and rather succeed in government of, by and for the people.

“…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Abraham Lincoln – Gettysburg Address November 19, 1863)

The American Revolutionary War Continues (Cold or Hot)
The “cold” (non violent, and politically philosophical) American Revolutionary War lasted from March 22, 1765 through to April 19, 1775 (Lexington) when it erupted into one that was *“hot” and intensifying post the July 2-4, 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence; ragging until 1771 (Yorktown); to Paris Peace Treaty signing on September 3, 1783.

Note: Throughout the course of the war, an estimated 6,800 Americans were killed in action, 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 were taken prisoner. Historians believe that at least an additional 17,000 deaths were the result of disease, including about 8,000–12,000 who died while prisoners of war.

Since that era, the American Revolution not nor ever intended to static, but rather, one that is to continue from generation to succeeding generations until the great, Exceptional Dream of the Founding Fathers becomes the manifest reality.

The Founders did and are relying on their/our “Posterities” addressed in the Preamble of the US Constitution to eventually manifest that reality of their Dream.

All members of every succeeding, We the People generations, as the template, are obliged to “cookie cutter”, i.e., replicate in a relay succession towards the Founders’ great and exceptional, American Dream of Ordu Nordu Seclurum – “New Order of the Ages”.

In this Nordu Ordu Seclurum, from where GOD (the Central Figure of the DOI and Judge of all the world, by the protection of HIS Divine Providence, Who has Annuit Coeptis -“Favored-Approved Our Undertaking”, as the E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many One” nation)…

…will subjugate, i.e. make the knee to bow of all kingdoms, governments, even monarchies of earth under HIM Who has endowed all human beings with certain inalienable rights, that among them, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

Such is the reason that GOD has blessed America…indeed for the sake of the whole world.

As being Generation I of We the People, the Founding Fathers decreed by the Preamble…

…that securing the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity of the second, third, fourth and succeeding generations down to us today, the most promising generation under the reliance of Divine Providence…

…is to be achieved only by the awakened, aggressive, collective vigilant and diligent “pledge of our lives, fortunes and honor” to enforcing the dictates of our Supreme Law, which underpins the DOI.

Therefore, under GOD and the Universe which HE created, each generation of a functioning, collective, We the People, body politic, is specifically ordered by the living, Founding Fathers, via the Constitution which they ordained and established…

…to execute their rightful duties “to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defense, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, etc., (Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness-property)”.

July 2-4,1776 is the national birth date of the United States of America, former Thirteen British Colonies.

The Committee of Five (5)
The Committee of Five presented its draft of the Declaration of Independence (DOI) for approval by Second Continental Congress on June 28, 1776

The United States became the Union Republic in four (4) phases, they being

  1. Created – September 17, 1787
  2. Presented – September 28, 1787
  3. Ratified – June 21, 1788
  4. Effective – March 4, 1789

The Union:

  1. The Preamble, or Head of the US Constitution indicates that our nation is a more perfecting Union,
  2. Article 1, Section 2, sentence 3, “…the several States which may be included within this Union”
  3. Article 1, Section 8, sentence 15
  4. Article 2, Section 3, “…the State of the Union”
  5. Article 4, Section 4, “…to every State in this Union”

The Republic
Article 4, Section 4, “…a Republican Form of Government”

Note: The term or words, Democracy, Democratic, Democrat is no where mentioned

Note: The term or words, leader or leaders in no where to mentioned

We the People
Being the Head of the Constitution with its Seven (7) Articles and Twenty-Seven (27) Amendments, i.e., Bill of Rights, the very first Word and then words or term of our Supreme Law of this land is “We the People”

As such, We the People are ordered, as authorized by the then living, founding fathers “to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, etc.”, not the President, Vice President, Congressional Members, the Supreme Court or Military, nor any elected official, federal, state, county, municipal.

Hence, We the People, properly functioning as coherent, intelligent, civil body politic are the leaders of the Union Republic, whereas, the Supreme Law designates government or public Servants (elected and appointed) as the team “beasts of burden” that under our collective directions/dictates, pulls our “wagon”, all the while enjoying being such.

Though written in documentation, as the Articles and Bill of Rights Amendments, the Preamble is lifeless or dead, until the constitutionally designated, living, Subject Masters thereof actively perform their rightful roles and duties of governmental oversight-control of the “team of beasts” from whom they derive their power.

The DOI clearly states unequivocally…

“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

The Revolution Continues
Therefore, in order for the founding fathers dream of a Nordu Ordu Seclurum – New Order of the Ages, and for the Central Figure of the DOI, which as Creator, has endowed them with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, it is the imperative duty of every US citizens to participate in the continuing 1766, American Revolution.

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