Black Homelessness – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM Recruiting We The People Mon, 27 Dec 2021 08:43:53 +0000 en hourly 1 Black Homelessness – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM 32 32 KEEP THE REPUBLIC ALERT RALLY Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:08:33 +0000 Join With Mr. Citizen Patriots’ – “We the People”


        S.O.S. DISTRESS of LIFE, PROPERTY = FREEDOM  [US Flag Code, C, a]






70% of Black Citizens Resist Mandated Experiment Vaccine
Join With Awakening American, US Black Citizens
of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Federal Black Citizens

                    “To Serve and Protect

Law Enforcement Officers
First Responders, Military Personnel, Veterans, et al

Sunday, January 2, 2022 | 1:00 pm Pct until 3:30 pm Pct
Federal Building On Corner of Wilshire and Federal Blvds., Westwood, CA

[Presenters Yet To Be Named]

Hosted by Mr. C. Patriot, aka Ted Hayes,

“Your Power ‘Weapon” On Urban Smart Network
Civil Rights/Homelessness Activist

Sponsors: Justiceville; LIRM; “Your Power ‘Weapon” Podcast On Urban Smart Network;
The Southside Unicorn Podcast; Volunteers & Patriots of America (VPA) | Contact: 424-248-4219

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HELP TED: “Capture The Presidency” Tue, 05 Oct 2021 20:17:09 +0000 Greetings, families, friends, supporters, allies, et al,

HELP ME: “Capture The Presidency”

A friend, ally, and Civil Rights activists over the now 36 years of my homelessness, resolution activism beginning January 1985, know that I have not constantly harrased you, begging for money.

Rather, I appeal for a small fraction of your precious time, who GOD has graciously gifted talents to assist my quest for justice, and the implementation of a We the People mandated, national plan and strategy Executiveley Ordered by the President of the United States (POTUS).

This Nation Homelessness Plan can be viewed at | |; as well as my personal contribution to USA patriotism, and atheletism for social-civic civility via Cricket

 In the midst of this unprecedented, downward spiral into man-induced, apocalyptic disaster in which our beloved country is stealthily being forced into a tyrannical, “new world order” (Nordu Ordu Selcurm), there is good, enlightening, hopeful news of “surprise” total victory for us.

Out of the midst of this cold darkness it the rising of that bright daylight of the GOD’s Sun of Justice, is at last beginning to emerge.  Hence, “Great Day In The Morning”!

While unable to mention names just yet, two very high ranking, political, office holders in Los Angeles and I, have been privately (no news releases, etc.) working on a strategy that will influence the Biden Administration to execute the America’s only Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan (The National Plan) that eradicates aforesaid homelessness culture and its mainstream, society causes.

In about 10 days from now, these two individuals and my White House negotiating A-Team will enter into negotiations with the White House US Interagency Council On Homelessness (, after which the POTUS will proclaim the Executive Ordered national plan on Thanksgiving or Indigenous Day, of November 25th.

In “order to more perfect the Union, to establish justice” for insurance of “domestic peace”, et al, it is imperative that We the People simultaneously respectively learn the basics of this strategy and in unison to work together.

More than ever, I am personally calling you to heed by by momentarily prioritizing your work around this nation-saving venture, as Constitutional, preamble ordered citizens’ to perform the necessary duty to GOD, country and honor for the freedoms that we are ever so close to stealthily loosing.  It’s all hands on-deck!

You are needed to basically, first educate yourself on the We the People movement at, then fill out the WTP Application of Participation at, and share with all your others.

When have done so, please alert me, as its important that I know our strengths and weaknesses that we my properly make strategy.

Our negotiating, working team will do the “heavy lifting”.

By this action, when meeting with WH staff, they will acknowledge that our negotiating A-Team demonstrates a functioning, national body politic standing with, beside, behind and in front of us.

Thanks kindly for your service to our country, and in deep appreciating honor to the multitude of primary young, innocent, boys, and men, including girls and women also in uniform, as well as cilivians who suffered and died under the colors of the Star-Spangled Banner.  Let us salvage and maintain the freedom they won for us.  Now is the time. The fierce moment of now”

To participate, or 424-248-4219

Ted Hayes

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Mission: “Capture” The Presidency Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:49:19 +0000 Mission Quest: “Capture” The Presidency

“Capture” Is Figurative, Not Literal.
Meaning To Grasp The Full, Undivided Attention of the President

“If you want me, as President to do something for you, you have to make me?
(Former President Obama)
“We Are The People That We’ve Been Waiting For”
“We the People…In order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
insure Domestic Tranquility, etc.”
(The Preamble)

National Security Threat
The homelessness culture scourge throughout the nation, immenating from Los Angeles, its National Capital, is rapidly becoming the most dangerous, national security-threat to the United States, Union Republic.

The Mission is designed to “make” the President of the United States (POTUS) issue an emergency, January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation-like, Executive Order to little known, White House, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) which is comprised of all 19 federal government departments, essentially being the Presidential Cabinet.

Procedural Steps To The Presidency
The Cabinet, overseen by his specially appointed Envoy, i.e., Czar Homeless (The Act, Section 4)

The Czar orchestrates the Council on effectuating the Justiceville,“Comprehensive, Strategic, National Plan” (CSNPP) that eradicates homelessness culture and its mainstream, societal causes.

Mission authority and power is enforced by the latent, 155 years old, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act (The Act) of the Federal, i.e., Executive Branch -Presidency, the POTUS as Commander in Chief being enforced by the military in accordance with the Emancipation Proclamation, stating:

The Act, Sec. 8 “…whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this actit shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;” (edited)

To have “reason to believe”, the POTUSA must heed “any efforts…” which in conjunction with the body politic of all Americans, black citizens “may make for their actual freedom”, whereby they may experience citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens.” (Sec. 1, The Act)

The January 1, 1863, Executive Ordered, Emancipation Proclamation” is bases for this Constitutional Act

“…all persons held as slavesshall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom” (edited)

Constitutional Legal and Moral High Ground Factor
Due to the 403 years of unrequited, unjust experiences in America, as in other negative, national, social dysfunction statistic, more than all other ethno-racial identities, black citizens are the overwhelming, disproportionate population of homelessness culture.

Their experience, not race-skin color, etc., ironically affords We the People the unprecedented, and optimum “perfect storm” opportunity to achieve the objective of the Executive Order.

By the authority awarded black citizens, We the People gain the moral high ground, especially in the sight of the Judge of all the world, and Central Figure of the Declaration of Independence.

Such is the actual matter of America’s experimental, Republican Form of Government Dream, of essentially, according to the US Constitution, black citizens are indeed, that proverbial, “Great, White, Hope” of national salvation.

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AMERICA: This New Spirit Within You Wed, 26 May 2021 04:46:00 +0000 “Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;”
[2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194 (Simple)]

Similar to the Biblical spiritual operation of being born again, as alluded Psalms 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

After 403 years of “gestation”, the FULL, COMPLETE collective body of We the People America, is in our most prime, even optimum, and perhaps, the last and only time of a condition whereby we can finally be born into what President Lincoln identified in his November 19, 1863, Gettysburg Address as its long awaited, “new birth of freedom”.

As an embryo dreaming of its day of deliverance from the constrictions of the womb of this great, united, and unprecedented, soul of America for which We the People battle for today.

The matters of The Promissory Note, which is exclusive, federal, super citizenship status, makes black citizens, its Subject Beneficiaries, the very heart and soul at the center of all affairs of our Union Republican Form of Government of a “new” nation under GOD.

As Subject Beneficiaries awaken to their inherited matters in this “one nation under GOD”, the child “America” consisting of all US citizens, regardless of racial identity, thereby all lives matter, will together be born into freedom.

This birth being delayed for 155 years, the Congressional enactment of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, i.e., The Promissory Note was and remains intended to rectify 245 years of generations-destroying, chattel slavery.

Therefore,in tight of the present, natural and ever-growing agitation of white/black racial, civil unrest and “systemic racism”. now is the time for that “bright day of justice to emerge” as prophesied by prophet Martin Luther King, Jr., for the sake of keeping the Republic, thereby saving our Union.”

The Long unhealed “wounds” between the Americans of willing immigration heritage, i.e., white citizens, regardless of race, and those of chattel slavery, have nurtured in them/us an accusatory, bitter, resentful and mostly fearful attitudes which nurtures, agitates and intensifies the matter more.

Thanking GOD, those painful “wounds” can now be healed by applying the divine principles of generational accountability of Repentance; proceeded by Acknowledgement of wrong doing; whereby the offender (willing immigrants) offers to the offended (chattel slaves), Reconciliation, i.e., make it right, regardless of whatever it takes.

The Sacred 2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194
The “medicine” word is Reconciliation, which is agreement, penance, rapprochement, conciliation, adjustment, balancing, unity, peacemaking, settlement, etc.

Such medicinal procedures are now readily available, as 99 % of US citizens, particularly the Subject Beneficiaries themselves are unaware of the once “hidden-secret”, federal document of Congressional Resolution Apology.

As stated in this sacred Resolution HR #194, is the first step towards reconciling the initial 245 years of chattel slavery (1619-1865) plus the 99 of Black Codes-Jim Crowism (1865-1964) etc., which is the central, critical matter of all of America’s woes.

Ironically, this “document of healing and reconciliation” was enacted in July 2008, the very year in which We the People elected its first, so called, African-American, “black” – mixed race President.

The document is: HR 194 (Simple), wherein, Congress, on behalf of all white, i.e., willing immigrants Americans acknowledged, apologized for, and seeks Reconciliation for Slavery and Jim Crowism.

To know of this spiritual matter further whereby you can join myself and a growing number of other now cognizant citizens in our national campaign of making this once “hidden” Resolution known by all concerned, please visit: and see this series of links, “Sacred SECRET: The “White Man” Apologized”

Thanks for your immediate participation.

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The Four Primary Objectives Tue, 11 May 2021 08:41:07 +0000 The Four Primary, Practical Objectives of The May 30th Venture

See Event Info Menu

Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be Presidential executed and deployed in order to achieve their objectives

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness – Strategic National Policy and Plan

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare – “Unsettled Generational Differences” – “Telling the Story”

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amend., Promissory Note Campaign

Immediate Action Awareness Campaign

  • Flip the US Flag Petition – according to the US National Flag Code, Sec.8, a as another point of national unification that we don’t forget our great task remaining before concerning the matter of black lives, especially as it relates to all lives.  When we have done so, We then upright The Flag

  • Revelation and implementation of HR # 194 (Simple) Apology Resolution – Petitions

  • Revelation and proper Execution Campaign of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Super Citizenship status of black citizens.

  • Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare – “Telling the Story”

  • Maintaining Presence on Hill and Continuing regular Processions of Ocean Front Walk (OFW)

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Proclamation: “Critical Mass” Sun, 09 May 2021 18:58:28 +0000 A Critical Mass Point of “Offerings” and Celebration of the
Loving Kindness In Human Awareness
(See Event Info Menu)

Proclaiming Venice Beach:
The Epicenter of the New, Universal Civility
For Reconciliation Healing

The Truce  Day 0f, to, and for Humanity
Regardless of differences, etc., this particular “truce” day will serve as a mutually awakened, living model “Offering” in appreciative Celebration before the sights of the Thinking Universe and in Its Creator, with firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we hold “order, truce, civility, peace and justice by LOVE”.

Just Simply Imagine Together
Represented by every ethno-racial, religious-spiritual identity, social class status, age, etc., together here in Venice Beach into a singular, body politic of We the People, that perhaps instead of the expected, impending doom,  our sacred “Offering” may be appeasing altering it into global blessings.

The Dual Actions
Presidential Attention
This Day, is designed to grab the attention of the President of the United States (POTUS), and by the authority of Section 8 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, including 4 and 9, plus 2, etc., being based the Emancipation Proclamation, as Commander in Chief, is mandated to meet with, hear and heed our petitions. No excuses allowed!

Global Attention – “Think Globally…Act Locally”
Appealing to all world citizens of every nation, especially in light of their concerns for the matters of black lives, i.e., Black Citizens in the United States, which is the primary source of these countries’ existence; and that such is built upon the backs of chattel enslaved Americans; they too much be awakened and directed.

Further appeals are to the Human Rights entity of the United Nations, The Hague, and other world bodies that address the national as well as individual, human rights injustices, along with every human rights watch NGO’s.

The Double Event of Sunday, June 12, 2021, Venice Beach, CA.

2:00 pm Pct The Procession Gathering at corner of Rose Ave & Ocean Front Walk

3:00 Procession Begins To Hill of Justice

4:30 pm Pct – Banner Raising On Hill of Justice with Concert, Rally and Ceremony

Introduction To:
Matters of Black Lives (MBL) explained as not being the tactics, antics, ignorance and misguided politics of Black Lives Matter, the organization, But is rather, the passionate spirit of the movement to its next, logical step.

The Four Primary Topics
Along with other actions, it is imperative that the following matters must be Presidential Empowered in order to achieve their objectives

  • Resolution To “Visible” Homelessness

  • Resolution to so called “Black On Black” warfare

  • Revelation of HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizens

Action Awareness Campaign

  • Flip the US Flag Petition – according to the US National Flag Code, Sec.8, a as another point of national unification that we don’t forget our great task remaining before concerning the matter of black lives, especially as it relates to all lives.

  • Revelation of the Apology Resolution – Petitions

  • Revelation of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, Black Super Citizenship

  • Resolving “Black on Black” Warfare




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“Army” of T.E.D. Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:22:07 +0000 Justice 4 Peace
“Army” of T.E.D.

“I Want You, Now”

Please fill out the below questions and email answers to or call me @ 424-248-4219



Phone Number

Web Site



Available Hours

Talents, Skills, Related Resources


“Join me, or Stop Complaining”

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The 3 US Presidential Options Tue, 27 Oct 2020 20:54:58 +0000 WARNING: THERE ARE ONLY THREE PRESIDENTIAL OPTIONS

Chronic, “Visible”, i.e. Encampment, etc. Homelessness

  1. Leave the homelessness situation as is, which has been going on for decades…even though the CDC (Central Disease Control) advise governments to not force homeless persons inside, but rather allow them to remain in “streets” as a way to mitigate the COVID-19 virus(S)…SUCH IS DISASTROUS and ultimately unsustainable for a myriad of common sense and public health and safety reasons.
  2. Implement the Justiceville EXODUS, i.e., Strategic National Policy and Plan of the EGIIP (Exodus Genesis Incentive Initiative) , dubbed the New Frontier II: Operation Humanity
  3. Forced Quarantine: Dispatch FEMA and deploy the military efficiency of the National Guard units of affected states, particularly Los Angeles, California as the national model, to systematically, simultaneously, rapidly round up into “health facilities”, i.e., concentration camps outside of urban centers, homeless, US citizens, most being disproportionately black, and too many of whom are military Veteran


See South Africa’s Military Round UP of Homeless as Prime Example



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US Military Is: Enforcer and Protective Arm of Federal, Black, Super Citizenship Status Wed, 09 Sep 2020 21:34:36 +0000

The United States Armed Forces, i.e., Military Is Twice – Two (2) Times Ordered and Mandated To Enforce The Federal, Super Citizenship of Black Citizens, Either By The President As Commander In Chief Of Such, or Directly By Representative Body of We the People, Black Citizens.

The First Civil Rights Law of the United States, Republican Form of Government’s, 1866-68 Civil Rights Act (The Act) Super Citizenship…

Section 5. the bystanders or posse comitatus of the proper county, or such portion of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia, as may be necessary to the performance of the duty with which they are charged, and to insure a faithful observance of the clause of the Constitution which prohibits slavery, in conformity with the provisions of this act;

Section 9. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, or such person as he may empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia, as shall be necessary to prevent the violation and enforce the due execution of this act.

This special designated duty of the US Military is founded upon the President Abraham Lincoln, January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation

“and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

“And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons”

No other American, US citizens has this special protection, as they are of the willing immigration heritage, whereas, the Subject Beneficiaries of this eternal, Executive Order are of that of 245 years of generations-destroying, chattel slavery.

In fact, in the his November 19, 1863 Gettysburg Address, 11 months post the Proclamation, Commander in Chief Abraham Lincoln essentially proclaimed that the fate of the Republic Union is dependent on how We the People address the greatest imperfection of the Union as ordered to perfect.

“It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here (military) here have thus far so nobly advanced.

“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Such is why, as civilian, body politic, black citizens are perhaps, potentially, the most powerful people in world history.  Think about this!


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The Case of Black Homelessness (special) And Its’ Humane Resolution Thu, 17 Sep 2020 08:48:06 +0000  

The Citations of 1866 Civil Rights Act-14th Amendment Violations

Los Angles County and City proper the national capital of homelessness;
and that of homeless, US Military Veterans

“Homelessness is the ultimate statement of what is wrong within society” The Hon. Cong. Maxine Waters

“Homeless is the moral issue of our time” The Hon. Eric Garcetti, LA Mayor

“The driving cause for the disproportionate population of black homelessness is systemic racism”
(Eric Garcetti (Jewish) USC Prof. Rev.-Dr. Cecil Murray (black),  LA Board of Supervisor, Mark Wridley-Thomas (black)

The racial demographics –

These statistics in the national capital of homelessness reflects that which is nationwide, particularly in urban and suburban centers, that being,

  1. black citizens are circa 12% of general population, yet, over 60% of homeless.
  2. US black citizens are 8-9% of general LA population, yet over 40% of homeless:
  3. In Central City East, dubbed, “Skid Row”, the “ground 0 epicenter and black hole vortex” of homelessness, 90% of homeless dwelling in inhumane subsistence on sidewalks, are black men, then black women, and their children, followed an ethno-racial mix of others.

The 1866 Civil Rights Act-14th Amendment

Therefore, black homelessness is evidence the 14th Amendment-1866 Civil Rights Act has not yet been enforced as originally intended, therefore, is imperative that it is done, lest we dissolve the Union and thereby, loose the Republican Form of Government.

For American, black, United States citizens, homelessness is a Civil Rights matter, and is perhaps, the most significant since we were granted a highly specialized, super citizenship by the  authority of the 1866 Civil Rights Act – 14th Amendment, 155years ago post the Civil War, that liberated our ancestors from 245 years of chattel slavery.

This same reality demands immediate, 14th Amendment-1866 Civil Rights, POTUS direct intervention.  You may want to visit and see my teachings on the 14th Amendment.

Therefore it behooves, and is imperative, that the POTOUS via the Department of Justice (DOJ), Civil Rights Criminal Division take the “by any means necessary) immediate and appropriate action, including an assortment of interlocking investigations, arrests and prosecutions of suspects, and if found guilty of violating Section 1, are to be punished, according the Sections 2, 4, 4, 5, 8, 9 of The Act.

This can, should and must be executed now.

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