Headlines – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM https://mattersofblacklives.com Recruiting We The People Sun, 15 Dec 2024 03:10:36 +0000 en hourly 1 https://mattersofblacklives.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-upsidedownflag-600x800-1-32x32.jpg Headlines – MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES . COM https://mattersofblacklives.com 32 32 KEEP THE REPUBLIC ALERT RALLY https://mattersofblacklives.com/mandate/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/mandate/#respond Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:08:33 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1989 Join With Mr. Citizen Patriots’ – “We the People”


        S.O.S. DISTRESS of LIFE, PROPERTY = FREEDOM  [US Flag Code, C, a]






70% of Black Citizens Resist Mandated Experiment Vaccine
Join With Awakening American, US Black Citizens
of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Federal Black Citizens

                    “To Serve and Protect

Law Enforcement Officers
First Responders, Military Personnel, Veterans, et al

Sunday, January 2, 2022 | 1:00 pm Pct until 3:30 pm Pct
Federal Building On Corner of Wilshire and Federal Blvds., Westwood, CA

[Presenters Yet To Be Named]

Hosted by Mr. C. Patriot, aka Ted Hayes,

“Your Power ‘Weapon” On Urban Smart Network
Civil Rights/Homelessness Activist

Sponsors: Justiceville; LIRM; “Your Power ‘Weapon” Podcast On Urban Smart Network;
The Southside Unicorn Podcast; Volunteers & Patriots of America (VPA) | Contact: 424-248-4219

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The DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE: The Official, American “Religion/Spiritual Belief” https://mattersofblacklives.com/belief-2/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/belief-2/#respond Fri, 19 Nov 2021 00:46:58 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1964 The American “Religion/Spiritual Belief” of the United States Union Republic Is The Declaration of Independence

The message in this document is in no way casting aside, denouncing, or denigrating the spiritual beliefs/faiths and practices, i.e., religions of any American, United States citizen, thereby, not denying any of them their own precepts and/or modes of personal salvation, including that of Judaic-Christian

This is emphasized, backed, enforced by the US Constitutions’ very First Amendment stating…

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”

This would also mean that all Congressional, i.e., federal, law enforcement elements will protect the adherents of any respective religion from violent and defaming aggression, or abridgement of another by others.

Actually, this document bolsters, as well as protects the adherents of all religious or spiritual beliefs in our Republican Form of Government Union, whatever that faith may be.

Such is accomplished by demonstrating that while there is, and must be separation between church and statet, there is no such relationship with GOD and state.

This iterated in the edicts of the Declaration of Independence, wherein, while once is enough, GOD is acknowledged four (4) times, thereby overwhelmingly making HIM Its Central Figure.

For all the world to note, pronounced upon America is: Annuit Coeptus – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”, that is, under HIM, as an E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many One”, create the unprecedented in world history, this non-monarchy, Nordu Ordu Seclurum – “New Order (government) of the Ages”.

In his Gettysburg Address of November 19, 1863, President Abraham reminds We the People that this sacred matter of willful submission to the HIS Royal Majesty On High, “the Most High Who rules in the kingdom (government) of human beings…”, King of the Universe, when he states, “this nation under GOD.” (Daniel 4:17 Hebrew Holy Scriptures)

Then on June 14, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the adage, “…one nation under GOD, reiterating what Lincoln, and that which is plainly inferred in the First Law of the USA, the Declaration of Independence.

GOD in the Preamble law of forty-nine (49) States, except one, that being New Hampshire which has none, wherein, GOD is the Central Figure.

COVID -19 Mandates and The Religion of the Declaration of Independence

When citing personal “religious beliefs” objection as the primary reason for not taking the “jab”, i.e., vaccinations, etc., regardless of the kind, the US citizen is an conscientious objector, is confirmed-affirmed by the Declaration of Independence, the First Law…not of the church…but rather, the United States Government, wherein the Divine Person of GOD, its Central Figure is acknowledged and respected being significantly noted 4 times.

This First, Supreme Law of the United States, Union Republic of America, the Declaration of Independence, is a spiritual document – Scripture mandating that no US citizen need surrender their Natures’ GOD-given gifts of inalienable (nothing can take it away) rights, among them, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Property (happiness) to take an EXPERIMENTAL drug.

The War On GOD
When it comes to health, i.e., Life, no earthly government is authorized by the Divine, Heavenly Creator Who equally endowed all human beings with these gifts, to deny, hence take away the Liberty to pursue happiness, i.e., property.

The most precious property owned by any individual is the life and physical body that given to them by The Creator GOD via the Universe.

If that freedom of life is forcefully taken from them, then that person(s) become the ownership of another with such liberties, thereby making the former chattel slave(s), i,e., living human property of another.

When government(s) denies any child-creation of GOD their right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Property, it/they forbids them the liberty to pursue that which makes their life happy.
Such is War On GOD, the Creator.

Therefore, in doing such a deed, while most painful to the child of GOD on earth, government(s) has entered into personal war with the Creator, by stealing HIS human Property.  It is a personal affronts, and the attempt to deny GOD of HIS Majesty on High, even taking  the Throne HE sits on/in.

This is precisely what is meant by “All Lives Matter”: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all human beings are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights…” (Dec. of Ind)

In the case of COVID -19, government, or otherwise mandated vaccine shots, under the threat of societal shunning, and perhaps, criminalization, are interfering with, trespassing against, and invading the property of a person’s own body.

Hence, mine and GOD’s body. Our choice!

The Declaration of Independence is not merely for the government entity, but most importantly, it is that of every human being throughout the world.

Therefore, every American, US citizen is independent of monarchy, tyrannical government or civil coercion to receive the vaccine, which is experimental anyway, or to carry a pass to avoid societal shunning.

Enacted in July 2-4, 1776, The World Historical, Unprecedented, Exceptional Union of Sovereign States by a Republican Form of Government, United States of America was established by the enactment of its Declaration of Independence.

While this First, USA, international, legal, documented edict, mandate, etc., sacred law announced the official severance of the original, 13 American Colonies away from the jurisdiction, subjugation, and ownership of the English Royal Family’s British Empire, it was and remains a statement against all monarchies except that of GOD, the Creator of the Universe (Nature).

The Declaration states firm reliance upon the transcendent protection of Divine Providence, the energy by which We the People will rise up and live out the practice of equally endowed by the Creator GOD “certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property (happiness).

This declaration of these GOD-given, universal gifts of freedom to humanity, is to lead from this North American continent to all nations as the Nordu Ordu Seculoruum (“New Order of the Ages – ‘order’ meaning government, which is Republican in Form”, of which declaring subjugation to the Divine Jurisdiction of GOD, the Judge of all the world, being Annuit Coeptis (“HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”).

In other words, the Creator of all human beings and the Universe, including its binding invisible laws; is The Supreme Endower of Equal Freedom; and “The Most High, GOD Who rules in the kingdom (government) of men, giving it to whomsoever HE wills, even the worse of them” (Daniel 4”17);

…as Supreme Judge ruling all earthly monarchies, from royal families throughout ancient history, to those of present day’s militaristic, totalitarian, regimes based in Marxist communism and socialism, are in rebellion to the authority of HIS Throne and Divine Majesty, being the Only King to Whom We the People bow the knee and confess.

“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: ‘To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.”
(Isaiah 45;22,23)

Interestingly, from sentence 8 through 41, the Declaration declares the offenses of the English Crown, that being King George III, whereas those from 1 through 7, and 42 through 44 addresses the actual powers of the First, binding law of the then, newly formed-birthed United States of America.

The open secret of the Declaration of Independence, is that it is not secular, but  spiritual, even being similar to any other, large, small or minuscule as this ones’, sacred or holy document, written scriptures.

The person of “King George III”, referred to as “he”, represents the ideals and virtues of monarchy, even claims of it being Divinely Appointed, as in the twisted, “Divine Right of Kings” doctrine.

“Honorable Mentions”
As such “he” is mentioned 23 as the singular tyrant; and his misdeeds referenced 27 times; whereas 18, “their; “them”, “themselves” 12 being the American colonialist, 6  meaning personalities in the service of His Royal Highness, the king; “Great Britain”, “British crown”, “English law”, “British brethren”, 4 times; the “colonies”, 3 times; “us”, 39 times; “armies”, 2 times; “troops”, 1 time; “people”, 10 times; 1 time, “merciless Indian savages”;

The Royal Majesty On High (HRH GOD)
While most of the “honorable mentions” are greater in number to that of HIS Royal Highness, Majesty on High, identified in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures Book of Daniel 4:17 as The Most High, is acknowledge 4 times, makes HIM The Central Figure of the Declaration, which nonetheless, of course, would remain such even if mentioned only once, due to the Nature of HIS Divine Being.

Divine Providence
The founding fathers recognized HIM in these following 4 terms: “Nature’s GOD”, Creator, Judge of all the world”, Divine Providence, latter meaning that HE will Personally see to what is stated concerning HIS endowed inalienable rights, etc., becomes manifest reality.

For the Rectitude of Our Intentions
Perhaps, in HIS recognition of our founding fathers’ unprecedented, righteous rectitude of intentions, and non-bending knee to earthly monarchs Republican Form of Government (Art 4., Sec. 4 US Const.), being pleased by such, The Supreme Judge Himself granted Annuit Coeptis of there Nordu Ordu Seclurum.

The Protection of Divine Providence
Therefore, even if We the People fail at the venture of believing into practicing the Divine gifts of inalienable rights, etc., on earth, due the founding fathers “…firm reliance upon the protection of Divine Providence…”, as in past Republic-threatening crisis, HE will “miraculously” intervene and save the favored nation from destruction.

The Divine Presence and Role of the Central Figure in the Declaration makes it a sacred, spiritual, instructive scripture, of which technically, all American, US citizens, being Republican in this Republic form of Government nation under GOD are to have faith in.

COVID -19 Vaccine Mandates and The Declaration of Independence Religion or Spiritual Belief

Of course, not negating the spiritual beliefs and practices of “traditional” religions, faiths, spiritual beliefs, this document serves as a guarantee by the First Supreme Law of the Land, to rightfully reject government forced mandates to take a substance unwillingly into their Temples of GOD.

This is especially poignant in that the writ does not state that “…they are endowed by their government with certain unalienable rights, etc.,, but rather, “…their Creator”.

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The Federal Super Citizenship Status of US Black Citizens https://mattersofblacklives.com/status/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/status/#respond Fri, 09 Jul 2021 18:41:32 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1616
The descendants of chattel slaves and Freemen (non enslaved American blacks), are the sole, exclusive Subject Beneficiaries of the only federal, super citizenship status … granted in United States citizenry…

…whereby they might be rectified, vindicated, empowered to “catch-up with” that “equal justice/protection under the law” citizenry, “as is enjoyed by white citizens”, according to Section 1 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act)

The Act, as is all the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, including all succeeding Acts of Civility imposed upon white citizens towards those whom are black and federal, is based or founded upon President of the United States (POTUS) Abraham Lincoln’s January 1, 1863, Executive Order of the Emancipation Proclamation.

If necessary, the President, as Commander In Chief dispatches the Armed Forces to enforce Section 1 of the Act, including that of the 14 Amendment, the child, offspring, manifestation of the former.

The Lincoln Executive Order states:

“…all persons held as slaves …shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free;

…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom…

…and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.

And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.”

Such is the real matter or substance of black lives in America!  Study this as though your very life depended upon it, WHICH IT DOES!

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AMERICA: This New Spirit Within You https://mattersofblacklives.com/spirit/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/spirit/#comments Wed, 26 May 2021 04:46:00 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1546 “Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;”
[2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194 (Simple)]

Similar to the Biblical spiritual operation of being born again, as alluded Psalms 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

After 403 years of “gestation”, the FULL, COMPLETE collective body of We the People America, is in our most prime, even optimum, and perhaps, the last and only time of a condition whereby we can finally be born into what President Lincoln identified in his November 19, 1863, Gettysburg Address as its long awaited, “new birth of freedom”.

As an embryo dreaming of its day of deliverance from the constrictions of the womb of this great, united, and unprecedented, soul of America for which We the People battle for today.

The matters of The Promissory Note, which is exclusive, federal, super citizenship status, makes black citizens, its Subject Beneficiaries, the very heart and soul at the center of all affairs of our Union Republican Form of Government of a “new” nation under GOD.

As Subject Beneficiaries awaken to their inherited matters in this “one nation under GOD”, the child “America” consisting of all US citizens, regardless of racial identity, thereby all lives matter, will together be born into freedom.

This birth being delayed for 155 years, the Congressional enactment of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, i.e., The Promissory Note was and remains intended to rectify 245 years of generations-destroying, chattel slavery.

Therefore,in tight of the present, natural and ever-growing agitation of white/black racial, civil unrest and “systemic racism”. now is the time for that “bright day of justice to emerge” as prophesied by prophet Martin Luther King, Jr., for the sake of keeping the Republic, thereby saving our Union.”

The Long unhealed “wounds” between the Americans of willing immigration heritage, i.e., white citizens, regardless of race, and those of chattel slavery, have nurtured in them/us an accusatory, bitter, resentful and mostly fearful attitudes which nurtures, agitates and intensifies the matter more.

Thanking GOD, those painful “wounds” can now be healed by applying the divine principles of generational accountability of Repentance; proceeded by Acknowledgement of wrong doing; whereby the offender (willing immigrants) offers to the offended (chattel slaves), Reconciliation, i.e., make it right, regardless of whatever it takes.

The Sacred 2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194
The “medicine” word is Reconciliation, which is agreement, penance, rapprochement, conciliation, adjustment, balancing, unity, peacemaking, settlement, etc.

Such medicinal procedures are now readily available, as 99 % of US citizens, particularly the Subject Beneficiaries themselves are unaware of the once “hidden-secret”, federal document of Congressional Resolution Apology.

As stated in this sacred Resolution HR #194, is the first step towards reconciling the initial 245 years of chattel slavery (1619-1865) plus the 99 of Black Codes-Jim Crowism (1865-1964) etc., which is the central, critical matter of all of America’s woes.

Ironically, this “document of healing and reconciliation” was enacted in July 2008, the very year in which We the People elected its first, so called, African-American, “black” – mixed race President.

The document is: HR 194 (Simple), wherein, Congress, on behalf of all white, i.e., willing immigrants Americans acknowledged, apologized for, and seeks Reconciliation for Slavery and Jim Crowism.

To know of this spiritual matter further whereby you can join myself and a growing number of other now cognizant citizens in our national campaign of making this once “hidden” Resolution known by all concerned, please visit: www.MattersofBlackLives.com and see this series of links, “Sacred SECRET: The “White Man” Apologized” https://mattersofblacklives.com/apologized/

Thanks for your immediate participation.

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#UPSIDEDOWNFLAG #OVERTHEWHITEHOUSE https://mattersofblacklives.com/updown/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/updown/#respond Mon, 13 Jul 2020 09:57:42 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=42 According to the U.S. Flag Code, Section 8, a: flying the American flag shouldn’t be flown upside down — with the stars at the bottom —
“except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property
.” i.e,.

In Honor of ALL Honorable US Military Personnel

#fliptheflag | #Upsidedownflag


www.Tedhayes.us | www.The14th.us

You Tube: ados-adocs 14th Amendment Promissory note
www.Thepromissorynote.com | www.the740000.com

See Instagram Post: Usher
You Tube Post: Usher & Trey Songz Lead Protest In Venice Beach, California
“Ted Hayes Is Talking”

You Tube: “Power 2 Da Peeps” – Pastor “O”

https://mattersofblacklives.com/updown/feed/ 0
2008 Apology Resolution, HR# 194: Slavery-Jim Crowism (edited) https://mattersofblacklives.com/apol-edit/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/apol-edit/#respond Mon, 23 Nov 2020 21:39:14 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=1065 US House of Representatives
Authored by The Hon. US Congressman, Steve Cohen, Democrat- Kentucky

Resolution Apologizing For Slavery and Segregation

The full text of the slavery measure, House Resolution 194, is as follows:

  1. Whereas millions of Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 13 American colonies from 1619 through 1865;

  2. Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;

  3. Whereas Africans forced into slavery were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage;

  4. Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been sold separately from one another;

  5. Whereas the system of slavery and the visceral racism against persons of African descent upon which it depended became entrenched in the Nation’s social fabric;

  6. Whereas slavery was not officially abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 after the end of the Civil War, which was fought over the slavery issue;

  7. Whereas after emancipation from 246 years of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction eviscerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of life;

  8. Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as `Jim Crow,’ which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans, was a direct result of the racism against persons of African descent engendered by slavery;

  9. Whereas the system of Jim Crow laws officially existed into the 1960’s–a century after the official end of slavery in America–until Congress took action to end it, but the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day;

  10. Whereas African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow–long after both systems were formally abolished—through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity;

  11. Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of African-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or minimized in the telling of American history;

  12. Whereas on July 8, 2003, during a trip to Goree Island, Senegal, a former slave port, President George W. Bush acknowledged slavery’s continuing legacy in American life and the need to confront that legacy when he stated that slavery `was . . . one of the greatest crimes of history . . .

…The racial bigotry fed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation.  And many of the issues that still trouble America have roots in the bitter experience of other times.  But however long the journey, our destiny is set: liberty and justice for all;

  1. Whereas President Bill Clinton also acknowledged the deep-seated problems caused by the continuing legacy of racism against African-Americans that began with slavery when he initiated a national dialogue about race;

  2. Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation;

  3. Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;

  4. Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virginia has recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and other State legislatures are considering similar resolutions; and

  5. Whereas it is important for this country, which legally recognized slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for its successor, Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek reconciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives-

(1) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;

(2) apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and

(3) expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future.

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The 14th Amendment: National Birthright Citizenship of Black Citizens https://mattersofblacklives.com/birthright/ https://mattersofblacklives.com/birthright/#respond Mon, 07 Sep 2020 12:48:27 +0000 https://mattersofblacklives.com/?p=381 Fourteenth Amendment

Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process and Equal Protection
See 1866 Civil Rights Act: Progenitor of the 14th Amendment]

Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4 The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5 The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

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