Volunteer: Event Responsibilities-Chores of Awakening Day

See Event Info Menu

The Point of a Critical Mass “Offering” and Celebration of Loving Human Awareness: Venice Beach, Epicenter of New, Universal Civility by Reconciliation Healing

Objective: The “Enlistment”, Development and Training of A Peaceful, Justice of Love Army In Order To Effectuate Greater, Universal Civility, Beginning With The Matters of Black Lives In The USA

Event Strategic Teams
Social Media II – promotions

Flier Distribution

  • all retail and vendor merchants, as well as “houseless” and “housed” residents nearest the beach.

  • post posters on walls, poles, pavilions, in stores, etc.


  1. Message in joy (entertainment)

  2. Presenters

Program Agenda

  1. Opening Statements

  2. Meaning of The Hill of Justice – history

  3. Meditation/Prayer

  4. Playing National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance (will explain strategy)
    Those who chose not acknowledge this practice, are strongly encouraged to take whatever form of statement they choose, not disturbing (noise and physical) fellow participants, i.e., “taking a knee”, “turning the back”, “raising a middle finger”, not standing, etc., nor, will you be castigated by anyone for doing so. We must transcend!

  5. Reading the Venice Beach Proclamation

  6. Message in joy (entertainment)

Topic Presentations

  1. The One Year History-Foundation

  2. The Spirit of Black Lives Matter – “The Next Forward Step” To Prophet MLK “American Promised Land” Why All Inclusive! All Lives Matter, because Black Lives Matter (will explain)

  3. The Procession

  4. The geo-physical significance of the Hill of Justice in “We the People Plaza”  locally, nationally, and globally.

  5. The Reason For “Matters of Black Lives”

  6. Not Mob. Organized, Effective, We the People, Body Politic with defined goals and objectives

Note: Non-Violence and riotous behavior not associated with the matters of affairs.  Yet, according to Declaration of Independence, the Second Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation we are choose, disciplined, organized, productive, non-riotous measures and actions of peaceful, civil demonstration when called for.

Key Note Speaks On Meaning of the Day, and Forward Directives

Campaign Actions

  • Apology Resolution Petition and actions, plus its meaning
  • Revelation of HR #194, expecting response from CBC, et al
  • The Promissory Note – 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, federal, super citizenship status of black citizens


  1. Monitors – In need of a chief or director

  2. Front Proclaim Scouts -Proclaiming the Procession and inviting participation, as well communicating with communications director at chief monitor side.

  3. Rear Guard Proclaim – maintaining cohesiveness and proclaiming contact info, etc., as well as reporting to director

  4. Equipment Director
    Directs equipment movement, particularly the primary sound system of pushing cart, and maintaining order around it.

  5. Equipment Manager
    Works in unison with director of administration of equipment

  6. Equipment
    Hand megaphones

  7. Communications systems – walkie-talkies or cell phones

  8. Flags and banners of – Love, Peace, Justice, Order, Humanity, Universe, GOD, Unity, We the People, etc.

  9. Primary Sound System and accompanying systems. Are they connectable?

  10. Yellow tape – The tape will be carried on east and west side of procession, not for keeping individuals out, as everyone is allowed to respectfully participate, but rather, maintain a cohesive movement

Social Media I – PR
Distribution of Fliers
Instagram, Face Book, Tik-Tok, Message, You Tube, emails, etc., as well as any other platform

PR Street Distribution of Fliers

  • Distribute fliers and stacks of leaflets for customers of all retail and venture merchants, as well as “houseless” and “housed” residents nearest beach.

  • Post posters on walls, poles, pavilions, in stores, etc.

Program Time Agenda
Hosted by two, plus allowing Ted, as “helm” brief intermittent intervention if needed for clarity direction, with circa 13 presenters.

Each presenter will give only 3 minute tease information on their assigned topics, always ending with there is more at give our contact information…allowing for at least 39 minutes total with no doubt overdrafts.

  1. 4:30 Opening Ceremony and Statements –

  2. 4:40 Meaning of The Hill of Justice –

  3. 4:45 Meditation/Prayer –

  4. 4:55 Playing National Anthem and Allegiance Pledge (I will explain strategy. Remember, “Capture the Flag”) – Veteran leadership
    Those who chose acknowledge, are encouraged to take whatever form of statement they choose, as long as it doesn’t disturb (noise and physical) fellow participants, i.e., “taking a knee”, “turning the back”, “raising a middle finger”, not standing, etc., nor will you be castigated by anyone. We must transcend!

  5. 5:00 Reading of the Great, Venice Beach Proclamation –

  6. 5:10 Musical entertainment Coordinator

Topic Presentations
(Each topic will have a presenter)

  1. The One Year History-Foundation

  2. The Spirit of Black Lives Matter – “The Next Forward Step” To Prophet MLK – “American Promised Land” Why All Inclusive! All Lived Matter, because Black Lives Matter (will explain) –

  3. The Procession –

  4. The geo-physical meaning of the Hill of Justice in “We the People Plaza”, VB in significant effect upon local, national, and global destiny –

  5. The Reason For “Matters of Black Lives”

  6. Not Mob. Organized, Effective, We the People, Body Politic with defined goals and objectives –

Note: Being counter productive, non-Violence and riotous behavior can’t be not associated with the matters of these affairs.  According to the Declaration of Independence, the Second Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation, we choose disciplined, organized, productive, non-riotous measures and actions of productive, peaceful, civil demonstration as needed.

  1. Key Note Speaks On Meaning of the Day, and Forward Directives – Ted Hayes

  1. The Four Campaign Actions –(Director)

  2. “Flip the Flag” Upside Down Flag Initiative “Capture the Flag” petition –

  3. Apology Resolution Petition –
    Revelation of HR #194, expecting official response from Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), et al, perhaps petition

  4. The Promissory Note – 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, federal, super citizenship status of black citizens –

Participation Enlistment
Procession: Requesting Participation From retail and vendors to display:

  • USA Flag Upside Down, the national symbol of Dire DISTRESS of Life and Property, hence, Freedom…along with those that are Right Side Up

    Note: This patriotic demonstration depicts positive forces uniting into a effective, We the People body politic that will eradicate the causes of its state.

  • Nationalities and Cultures of Flags represented in Venice Beach

    Note: In need of someone to request of every foreign embassy the donation of its National Flag, and to send volunteers in support of the Reconciling Healing of America, as such is obviously in their interest, and it’s the least matter that they can to demonstrate their appreciation of conducting business in and with the USA

  • Posters and art supporting and celebrating the initiative

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0 thoughts on “Volunteer: Event Responsibilities-Chores of Awakening Day”

  1. Ядовитый дурман, подобные яко кокаин, мефедрон, эфедрин а также героин, выказывают разрушительное суггестивность на организм.
    Ихний использование требует филиация, ухудшение здоровья равно психики.
    Утилизация этих материалов, как марихуана, гашиш, экстази равно МДМА, может привести ко патологии когнитивных функций, психозам а также противным долгосрочным последствиям.
    Бренды “бошки”, “наркотик”, “темп” и “физептон” создают иллюзию облегчения, но на самый-самом баталии этто цепь для гибели клеток мозга (а) также внутренним органам.

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