Ted To Commit Non Violent Action of Civil Disobedience In Federal Building

Since the early days of the COVID-19 Virus crisis, as this Union Republic's foremost, Civil Rights-homelessness, resolutionary Activist, I've been conducting in Venice Beach, California a daily, a growing, nationwide demonstration, signalling inspiration to We the People of the United States by the hoisting of our National Flag, the Stars and Stripes in its upside down fashion.

As an honor and profound respect to the primarily military personnel American and civilian others who suffered their lives under the colors of our great Flag for our freedoms, we must and will  on their behalf, to mobilize ourselves into the "battering ram" of justice.

At present, good to their "white privilege" societal status, several very committed, non black, young peoples of all ethno-racial identities, who believe and cried out, "Black Lives Matter", have aligned themselves with the "Matters of Black Lives".

MBL is a defined evolution by respectful resolutionary peace tactics that finally resolves black peoples' 402 years of existence in this American land, experiencing continued, unrequited injustices, while simultaneously shunning property destruction and harm of any kind to other lives, by validating them...as all lives do matter.
I'm planning for a major action of Civil Disobedience of occupying a federal building, facility or land in the Los Angeles area as a way of getting the undivided attention of the President of the United States (POTUS). Date, time and location to be announced.

...in order for him to properly address such the matter of black homelessness via the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, which will subsequently benefit all other homeless persons as well.

As the nations leading, Civil Rights-Homelessness Resolution activist, in order to get Mr. Trump attention for that audience, I am now inclined to resort to a more aggressive poster-agenda and strategy to do so

This not a negative or anti Trump, nor anti government, et al, protest, it is rather an aggressive, non violent demonstration that signals We the People of dire, national DISTRESS of life, property, i.e., happiness, hence freedom, according to the US National Flag Code, Section 8.

No Harm To Public Property, Nor Disrespect To Federal Marshals

In no way will any harm come to the public properties of We the People - tax payers, nor to physically resist, taunt or harass arresting federal marshals, agents of any officials involved in the said action...as I do love and respect my country.

Not being a negative protest, but rather, an act of patriotic, First Amendment Rights fervor, backed by Section 8 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act that I may speak directly to my/our President of the urgent information by which he can successfully address:

A. the matters of black lives, especially as it relates to resolving homelessness;

B. as well as the thousands of young, primarily black boys and men dying annually by gunfire from the hands of one another.

Though difficult, this is is a public display that 'm glad to do, because GOD willing, it will be understood by all patriot American citizens, of the various political factions, Parties and affiliations (Republican-Democrat/Liberal-conservative), as well as ethno-racial identities, religious persuasions, including social economic status, et al, that we together with the President may take the appropriate and effective actions accordingly.

You see, to no avail, on several occasions, and in many ways, including personal visits and phone calls, and I have directly, as well as in my correspondence with first with top White House staff, I've consistently  alluded in my correspondences with them...

...to arrange for for my team and I to audience directly with the POTUS who deeply appreciates, understands and is eager for the Subject Beneficiaries of the federal, 1866/68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of their unique, little known super citizenship, to instruct him on how best to execute it in order to enforce the uplifting matters of black lives, especially as it relates to those whom are homeless. 

Without criticism, but just observation and experience, the White Staff neither understands, and appears to not care about this number one matter of black lives, as they respectively have demonstrated very little interest in learning about it, etc., therefore leaving me no option but this Civil Disobedience action slated for the 8th.

In the meanwhile, similarly as an attorney can't represent a client without their consent, so it is that the POTUS is unable to execute what is needed without the moral consent of the Subject Beneficiaries as the clients.

Of course, the President can exercise his Presidential obligation to the US Constitution to fully enforce the First Civil Right Law of the Republic to its completion, even as did his number one mentor, President Abraham Lincoln began it with his January 1, 1863, executive ordered, Emancipation Proclamation...

...however, in this matter, it is best that we Subject Beneficiaries give Mr. Trump our legal, intelligent, moral as well as emotional consent and encouragement in order for him to indeed become that Lincoln-like champion whom he emulates to be and that our Union desperately needs him to be at this time.

Please visit: MATTERS OF BLACK LIVES – TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL and also #upsidedownflag #overthewhitehouse
According to the National Flag Code, Section 8, this is an matter of national, collective, generational, DISTRESS of life, property, i.e., happiness, thereby, our freedoms.
Again, next Tuesday's action is not a protest, but rather, a clarion call signal to We the People to support and direct our greatest and most powerful, public Servant, the President, in this of unprecedented national crisis
Please help me to persuade President Trump to immediately address my concerns right away.
Thanks and GOD's mercy and blessings upon us all.

2 thoughts on “Ted To Commit Non Violent Action of Civil Disobedience In Federal Building”

    1. Hey Mosiah, Shalom!
      Thanks for your keen observance of what I’m talking about. Perhaps, you will share this web sight with your family, friends, associates and social media that our movement for the matters of black lives will become an online Civil Rights march.

      Also, do treat this sight a text book, to read over and over and study its contents that you too my become a voice as well in these matters.

      For any immediate questions, please feel free to call me at 424-248-4219
      Also, if you any ideas as to how we can get a video conference going nationwide, please do share that with us as well.

      Blessings of GOD upon us all


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