Los Angeles County Racist Policies, Practices and Living Codes of Against US, Federal, Black Citizens
Los Angles County and City proper is the national capital of homelessness; and that of homeless, US Military Veterans
“Homelessness is the ultimate statement of what is wrong within society”
The Hon. Cong. Maxine Waters
“Homelessness is the moral matter of our times”
LA Mayor, The Hon. Eric Garcetti
This Case of Civil Rights Violations Against Federal, Black Citizen, sights and cites the Los Angeles County government’s racist policies, practices of its own living codes which are obviously, i.e., highly visible, against the special and specific, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act (The Act), authorized super citizenship of black citizens of the Union Republican Form of Government (Art. 4, Sec. 4, Constitution) of the United States of America.
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
As the first such Civil Rights law in US history, Section 1 of The Act, which is the Progenitor-Originator of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, authorizes the full, EXPERIENTIAL “equal protection under the law” citizenship into perpetuity, solely and exclusively to emancipated, liberated-freed, chattel slaves, et al, and their descendant children, i.e., black citizens, Negroes, colored people.
In fact, the City and County of Los Angeles, as well as leading black clergy has affirmed what Justiceville proclaimed 36 years ago in 1985, that the primary reason for the disproportionate numbers of black citizens homelessness is due to what both jurisdictions and private sectors deem, “systemic racism”.
The Case contends that the unprecedented Constitutional law was/is and always will be specifically intended as the fundamental mechanism by which the federal government, i.e., Executive Branch, being the Presidency, the President himself as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, based on the Abraham Lincoln, January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation particularly the Executive Branch, is charged to rectify, vindicate, compensate, heal, restore-repair black citizens to equal humanity as EXPERIENCED by all other Americans.
Unlike all other Americans, whom are of willing immigration heritage, these innocents, that is, non-willing immigrants, i.e., chattel slaves, whose ancestors were West and Central Africans; purchased from ancient, African Slave Trade of certain black and Islamic traders by European and American, Christian and Jewish merchants; brought shackled in chains to the America’s in the hulls of wooden oceanic ships; resold and forced into 245 years (1620-1865) of generations-destroying, British, subsequent, USA institution of chattel slavery.
It is evident for all to see, i.e., the corpus delicti-body of devastating evidence of the chattel slave descendant black citizens, literally dwelling on the “sidewalks” of the USA, that as a people, black citizens have never fully EXPERIENCED that mandated Section 1, The Act, citizenship “as is enjoyed by citizens”.
The late prophet, Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the greatest civilian citizen in US history proclaims the “cashing of the check”, being the Promissory Note, i.e., The Act of Federal Super Citizenship, warning,
“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”
This Case adds that black homelessness in America, especially Los Angeles, is the corpus delicti of the non-execution of Amendment Fourteen, the Constitutional Act of federal, black, super citizenship, as intended.
Over the generations since its enactment, 155 years ago, among the obstacles such as; the terrorism of white supremacist entities, as well as individuals, i.e., the Ku Klux Klan (KKK); Black Codes-Jim Crowism; political corruption, etc.; that has prevented the full, Presidential Execution of The Act was/is primarily due to the great illiteracy, that is, the inability of black citizens to read and comprehend the powerful contents of the Constitution which super empowers them/us.
Now, in 2020, conjoined being able to read, as well as comprehend the “appalling conditions” of this corpus delicti of black homelessness, compels us to seek the justice of relief authorized in the US Constitution, having emphasis on the LA City and County, and State Assembly, declarations of homelessness as an EMERGENCY.
“We have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.” Prophet MLK, Jr.
The Case is citing the following violations against federal, black citizenship by LA County government with the following citations:
- Sanctioning Illegal Outdoor Homelessness Shelters
Los Angeles County has for thirty-three (36) years, and is continuing to sanction its cities, particularly LA City proper, to operate illegal, outdoor, sidewalk encampments shelters in violation of its own public health, safety and building codes, threatening neighborhoods, commercial and retail business areas, as well the homeless persons themselves, by its/their non law enforcement policies. - Black Code-Jim Crow Zoning of the Homeless
Zoning homeless facilities in light to heavy industrial areas, reminiscent of Black Codes-Jim Crow laws of racial-class segregation, i.e., “other side of the track-ism” (OSOTTISM), thereby violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as well as the 14th Amendment-Act, noting Section 1 “as is enjoyed by white citizens.”
- Racial, Class, Political Prejudice Against Black Activist
- For decades, there has and continues to be racial, class, political prejudice, and in many cases, persecution of this Union republics’ foremost and leading, Civil Rights-homelessness activist, who happens to be black.
- Other than his legendary, successful, unprecedented in US history, world renown Dome Village, transitional, transportable, shelter-housing for homeless persons, the transforming ideals and objectives most likely to empower his fellow black citizens has been summarily, without justification, been rejected.
The aforementioned violation of the 14th Amendment -1866 Civil Rights Act citizenship of black citizens, triggers the imperative of immediate, EMERGENCY, national security crisis, Presidential Executive Order(s) actions to rectify it.
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