The First Act of Federal, Super citizenship: Codified In US Constitution

The First Civil Rights Act Is Federal Super Citizenship
of Black Lives
Codified, Embedded, Enshrined
Into US Constitution

Via The 14th Amendment

(Long Version: Italics, bold, underline, increase in font size emphasis – mine)

1866: The First US Civil Rights Act
This unprecedented, and first of all Civil Rights Acts of Constitutional or Federal Law
exclusively identifies, entities, and designates, Americans of the black
African Slave Trade EXPERIENCE, an exclusive, redemptive, super citizenship status
…under the direct *jurisdiction of the Executive Branch.

“Jurisdiction, thereof” historically refers to the Americans enslaved
…ancestors who were initially under the jurisdiction of the British Empire,
…and before that, the monarchs, chieftains, warlords, et al of Africa.

Sections 4, 8, & 9, thrice order the President of the United States (POTUS),
…to act/serve the Union, as the “personal body-guard” of the still and always will be,
…the new, federalized citizens, who happen to be Negroid (Spanish for black, and/or colored).

“White citizens”, are of voluntary/willing immigration heritage, whereas, because of the
…unique EXPERIENCE of involuntary servitude, and NOT SKIN COLOR, “black citizens”
…are federally authorized to responsibly, enforce their Right to be civilly treated.

This Act led to the drafting of the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing those Civil Rights by
codifying them into the Constitution, of which the POTUS, as well as all government
…employees-voluntary servants, elected and appointed, including military personnel
are sworn to defend and protect.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, was enacted over
the veto of Democratic Party President Andrew Johnson’s (D), thereby forever granting full,
…super citizenship status to the military liberated, chattel slaves and their descendant children.

NOTE: Historically and contextually, the “All persons born” of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment
…exclusively means those who were born in America as chattel slaves, and subsequently denied
…all the amenities of the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, of which Americans
…of willing immigrant heritage, receives their citizenship rights benefits, via Article 1, Section 8.

This “legal” matter remains alive and true to this day of the 21st Century, where “black lives”,
…being federal super citizens according to the Presidential Executive Order #95,
…the Emancipation Proclamation; the First & Second Congressional-Military Confiscation Acts;
…the unprecedented, interlocked, Triad Amendments of the 13th, 14th/1866-68 Civil Rights Act,
…and 15th, and the federal Enforcement, or “Anti-KKK Act of the early and mid-1870s.

Hence, voluntary immigrants descendants do not need this Law, as they possess “civility” rights
…by Article 1, Section 8, granting them access to the Declaration of Independence;
and the Ten Bill of Rights to participate in the governing of this Union Republic.

Whereas, the involuntary, chattel slaves and Freemen were systematically denied the
…inalienable rights “to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, i.e, property-money”,
…resulting in the loss of 245 years of generational wealth.

The forever new US, federalized citizens of chattel slavery heritage, are granted all the
…experiential” equal justice/protection under the law”, enjoyed by “white citizens”.

Only after the first generations, of voluntary immigrants, obtain their naturalized citizenship
according to Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, will their child then be born
“under the jurisdiction thereof” US, federal laws.

At this point, hence, “any persons born…” takes effect, without having to pass through the
…citizenship process first-generation parents, i.e., regardless of ethno-racial identity, et al.

Essentially, the heritage of black lives in the USA is one of never being free, but rather being
…under the jurisdiction of some governmental and private entities, including those of Africa.

Hence, of the 402 years in America (1619-2025), and never knowing experiential freedom,
“as is enjoyed by white citizens”, American Africans have been legal, “on paper” free for
…a mere sixty-one (61) years, that is, from the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to the present,

In other words, of those 402 years, three hundred and forty-five 345 were under the
jurisdiction of “legalized”, chattel and Jim Crowism enslavement.

Black lives, as well as “white citizens” are yet in the aftermath and shadow of enslavement,
…hence, neither party knows true freedom until there is rectification according to the
…mandates of these federal laws, exclusively for “black” citizens.

(See The Two Citizenship).

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