In This Unprecedented Republican Form of Government (Art 4, Sec 8, US Const) Nation of Unionized, Yet Sovereign “Several” (50 and its Territories) States, Government By Its Peoples, i.e., Citizens As Designated By Their Constitution In The Preamble Being “We the People”, and Is Therefore, Considered The Nordu Ordu Seclurum – “New Order of The Ages”, As Opposed to the “Antiquus Ordu Seclurum – “Old Order of The Ages”
Within this body politic of the New Order of the Ages nation is the experiential element of the peculiar, chattel slavery industrial, complex, institution, which is living, in which human being were psychologically in both the minds of the slaver and the enslaved, were “transformed” into property.
This experience lasted in America, both first by the British Empire, immediately followed in July 2-4,1776 by the United States, lasted a total of 245 years, ranging from 1619 to 1865, formerly May 15th and June 19th, i.e., Juneteenth when the slaves in Texas learned that the Union has won the Civil War that began April 11, 1861.
The enslaved happened to be of the ancient, black Slave Trade of Africa heritage who were purchased by European and American, i.e., white Christians and Jews from African slave merchants consisting of Muslim (Arab and native converts to Islam) as well as local blacks themselves.
Note: The Europeans, who dubbed the continent and its respective lands as Africa, also designated themselves being white as Caucasians, and the black Africans as Negroid or Negro Spanish for black.
However, the trade was never based on race, i.e., skin color and other anatomically distinguishing features totally opposite of the purchasers, but that solely on the “money”-trade profit value.
The black-white racial element was later added by Christians, et al, whom needed Biblical references to ease their conscious of the clear wrong of sin that they were perpetrating for the worship of Mammon, which Jesus identifies as the “god” of money, i.e., of which the love (worship) of “is the root of all evil” – chattel slavery.
According the 2008 Apology Resolution For Slavery and Jim, HR# 194 (Simple), on behalf of We the People of the United States, the Congress of both Houses admitted that the evil of chattel slavery, due to the worship of money profit was the worst form of such in world history…
- Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;
Nonetheless, even though the Christians, et al, reduced the matter down to erroneous Biblical interpretation of the evil, the bottom element of the matter was not initially race, but rather, experience.
The Two American Experiences
Apart from the aboriginal, native or indigenous peoples of America who did not invite the invading European to their lands, which is another discussion yet also to be fully had, their are two stocks of Americans, one being free, and having experiences of willing immigration, including voluntary, indentured servitude; and the other, being of the forced importation/immigration of involuntary servitude, i.e., unwilling chattel slavery.
One, which willing came as immigrants to succeed or fail for themselves and succeeding posterity of descendant children, most of which were successful, had in their mindsets, the great American Dream experience; while the other arrived to these shores with that of a horrific nightmare.
Metaphorically, one came on the Mayflower of willing immigration, while the other, unwillingly in bound in the shackles and chains as slaves to serve those who came to dreaming of America as living human property…the former’s “happiness”.
Note: The term “happiness” was/is interchanged with that of “property”, hence, being that the vast majority of the founding fathers were chattel slave owners, they were pleased with using it in the Declaration of Independence, “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, i.e., property…living, human property.
Therefore, the matter is not racial, but rather, experiential, one of a beautiful dream of hope; the other, nightmare of despair.
Hence, without the substantive matter of backs of chattel slaves, the willing immigrant could not have built their great, multi-ethnic, “melting pot” nation.
Finally, in 1866-68, a repent American peoples enacted the New Order of the Ages nation’s first Civil Rights Law, codified into their Constitution, which is the 14th Amendment, a highly special, federal super citizenship status, exclusively to the freed chattel slaves, Freemen (non-enslaved blacks), not because of their race, but rather, is due to their experience.
This designation nullifies all the claims of minority and so called “people of color” groups claim to such a high status, because unlike those for whom it is meant, they willingly came into the American Dream, which was/is a continuing nightmare for those who don’t have such an experience.
Speaking on behalf of the freed chattel slaves, the late, young prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr., didn’t have the “American Dream”, but rather, one deeply rooted in it, saying, that his/our dream is that the Americans of willing immigration heritage would someday rise up and live out the true meaning of the Creed.
“I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
[August 28, 1963, “Dream” speech]
This is specifically why the term, particularly in light of chattel slavery and its subsequent, generational aftermaths, “racial justice” is a misnomer and can never be achieved because it permanently designates one race forever tainted as “evil” therefore, nonredeemable, whereas, a people can commit wrongs against another, but which it is judged.
See “Racial Justice”