Greetings, families, friends, supporters, allies, et al,
HELP ME: “Capture The Presidency”
A friend, ally, and Civil Rights activists over the now 36 years of my homelessness, resolution activism beginning January 1985, know that I have not constantly harrased you, begging for money.
Rather, I appeal for a small fraction of your precious time, who GOD has graciously gifted talents to assist my quest for justice, and the implementation of a We the People mandated, national plan and strategy Executiveley Ordered by the President of the United States (POTUS).
In the midst of this unprecedented, downward spiral into man-induced, apocalyptic disaster in which our beloved country is stealthily being forced into a tyrannical, “new world order” (Nordu Ordu Selcurm), there is good, enlightening, hopeful news of “surprise” total victory for us.
Out of the midst of this cold darkness it the rising of that bright daylight of the GOD’s Sun of Justice, is at last beginning to emerge. Hence, “Great Day In The Morning”!
While unable to mention names just yet, two very high ranking, political, office holders in Los Angeles and I, have been privately (no news releases, etc.) working on a strategy that will influence the Biden Administration to execute the America’s only Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan (The National Plan) that eradicates aforesaid homelessness culture and its mainstream, society causes.
In about 10 days from now, these two individuals and my White House negotiating A-Team will enter into negotiations with the White House US Interagency Council On Homelessness (, after which the POTUS will proclaim the Executive Ordered national plan on Thanksgiving or Indigenous Day, of November 25th.
In “order to more perfect the Union, to establish justice” for insurance of “domestic peace”, et al, it is imperative that We the People simultaneously respectively learn the basics of this strategy and in unison to work together.
More than ever, I am personally calling you to heed by by momentarily prioritizing your work around this nation-saving venture, as Constitutional, preamble ordered citizens’ to perform the necessary duty to GOD, country and honor for the freedoms that we are ever so close to stealthily loosing. It’s all hands on-deck!
When have done so, please alert me, as its important that I know our strengths and weaknesses that we my properly make strategy.
Our negotiating, working team will do the “heavy lifting”.
By this action, when meeting with WH staff, they will acknowledge that our negotiating A-Team demonstrates a functioning, national body politic standing with, beside, behind and in front of us.
Thanks kindly for your service to our country, and in deep appreciating honor to the multitude of primary young, innocent, boys, and men, including girls and women also in uniform, as well as cilivians who suffered and died under the colors of the Star-Spangled Banner. Let us salvage and maintain the freedom they won for us. Now is the time. The fierce moment of now”
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