The Matters of Black Lives: HISTORICAL STATEMENT


Black Lives Is The Substantive Matter of All Lives.

Because black lives (US Federal Super Citizens), all lives matter, because, all lives is built and based on the matter that on chattel enslaved backs of the ancestors of black lives.

Without such, no lives, especially in America, would not exist, having no matter.

Black Lives Is The “Black Atlas” of All Lives
See: The Matter of Black Substance

The issue or substance at question is: “What are the Matters of Black Lives”, or “What is the matter with Black Lives?” “Why do black lives matter?”  (See: Video “Matters of Black Lives”)

To be clear: The statement, “Black Lives Matter” is not intended to decry the matter of other lives, because GOD created all human life equally, and to deny such is an a direct affront against HIM and The Universal Laws. 

So please, try not to take offense, either by those whom of you feel that your racial identity is being slighted, nor by those who are offended by the statement, “All Lives Matter”, including “Blue”.

However, to be correct, in US history, all lives matter, BECAUSE the matters of blacks lives are the substance of all others.

This is especially poignant after residing 4002 years in this land as a collective, generational body politic of Americans.

Yet, we seem to get ahead socially, economically and even politically, though there are 43 of us elected into Congress, including once upon a time, a “black” President, or at least someone who supposedly “looks like us”; as well as having a very wealthy celebrity and business class of our “Talented Tenth”, which actually doesn’t concern itself with the state and looming fate of self-destruction confronting our children’s children.

What can the matter be?  Just how serious is it?  Can, will we survive and ever prosper as our  counter pats, white citizens, the willing immigrants?

Another is point is when viewing BLACK LIVES in the history and foundations of this Republican Form of Government United States of America (Article 4, Section 4 Constitution), no doubt, black lives matter.  We black lives just know it!

The Matter of Two American, US Citizens In One Nation
Actually, this half truth, or erroneously purported, “nation of immigrants” or “immigration nation” is and historically factual, built upon the backs of chattel slaves…black lives.

As usual, when ever there is an upheaval of racial unrest, it seems that the public focus is always about certain actions or inaction, especially when it comes to law enforcement, from the police to the judiciary and correctional industries…on the proverbial “white man”, with his white, nationalist, supremacist, racist system” against them/us; with the caveat that he is too cowardly to sit at what prophet, MLK, Jr. prophesied to come at “table of brotherhood”, in America’s shaken and shaking time of “rude awakening”; to conduct an deep, objective, honest, “eye to eye”, civil conversation about race in this country.

Please visit the statement of The Obama Administration’s Attorney General, the Hon. Eric Holder about America being “a race of cowards”, because it/we black and white citizens refuse to have that timely, deep discussion.

Hence, the term, “Black Lives Matter” is an oxymoron, or one of obvious ignorance to the important significance of the weight of black lives, i.e., citizens, who gives Substance-Matter to all other lives in the United States of America.

US and world history illustrates just how the matter of black lives is actually the foundation and cohesive substantive matter to the very existence of this Republican Form of Government Union of 50 sovereign States and its territories.

If substance – matter of black lives were extracted from America, this country would not exist.

All Lives Matter, because, Black Lives Do Matter. Without the 245 Foundational Years of Black Lives In Chattel Enslavement…White, Brown, Red, Yellow, even “Blue Lives”, et al, Would Not Have Matter In The USA

In fact, it is the root of cause of the true American Dream which the late, young prophet, the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. prophesies saying that his/our dream, being Americans of federal, black super citizenship status is “…one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

In fact, the matter of black lives in the USA is so significantly important to its existence, including national as well as global identity in so many strategic and ironic incidents too numerous to discuss here.

The greatest, is the fact that 740,000 young, innocent white boys and men of the Northern Union and Southern Confederacy, plus 38,000 blacks of such who gave their lives including President Abraham Lincoln battling against each other in the 1861-64 Civil War, or the War To End Chattel Slavery over.

Note: The millions more wounded in body and soul (mind-emotions-intellect) and their bereft families, having negative consequences even unto this present day.

This domestic white citizen on white citizen war took more lives than all the other USA conflicts combined from the Revolutionary through to Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

Furthermore, as a foundational matter, this erroneously purported “nation of immigration” is built upon the backs of American, black chattel slaves, even with their help is many and varied ways.

Finally, in this matter-substance of black super citizenship, prophet MLK, Jr. prophesies in “Dream” admonishing us all, that post racial, civil unrest, that we must be cautious to not “return to business as usual” but rather to completed the unfinished work of Lincoln and lives suffered and lives in the US Civil War To End Chattel Slavery, lest America has “a rude awakening’ saying,

Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual.

There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights (i.e., experiential, equal justice-protection under the law citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” (Section 1 of The Act).

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

Since he first uttered those great words of warning 57 years ago, it appears that nearly three decades later, America refused to heed them, but rather collectively had chosen to “return to business as usual”, hence, now we are in that “rude awakening”, which we must now turn into that emerging “bright day of justice”.

Therefore, to the US historically astute, “black lives matter” big time.

As to date, “black lives matter” is erroneously and disrespectfully, a singular matter of one being associated primarily with “the police”, i.e., the judicial, law enforcement, correctional institution, which in and of itself is a consequence of the myriad of “matter of black lives”, engulfing both negative and positive substances.

Listed are a few examples of “the matters of black lives”

One thought on “The Matters of Black Lives: HISTORICAL STATEMENT”

  1. Hello and how are you three “musketeers”. I am so proud of you! I am over 80 years of age , a black woman who has four earned degrees including a law degree, and I am retired (sort of), because my law license is suspended. While I am awaiting reinstatement, and since I am not accustomed to being idle I have become a researcher. I do some serious research of the official researchers and I am having the time of my life. I did my homework about you three wonderful, brave, compassionate black , young, beautiful women. My heart is filled with pride regarding you and all you went through in a battle that has changed the philosophy of millions of people of all colors, and made millions more persons still overwhelmed with surprise. They do not know what to do, think or say. You have led a campaign that has changed the whole world. The impact of your work and that of your wonderful ,wise supporters is overwhelming to all of us.
    Please do not stop. Keep on keeping on! I have started, a group of seniors, “The 100 Club of Ohio”. We are all over 60, well educated, and wise to the system and problems you have had to face with so much against you, female, black, and not a drone in the bunch! Hallelujah!!! Love to you and your supporters. We will continue to pray for your success. WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO!?

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