In Honor of US Military Personnel

See: “Lest We Forget II”

This most sacred national action is in deep respect, honor and salutations to the tens of millions of primarily young, white, innocent boys and men (including women), as well as those whom are black, and otherwise…

…which have suffered and continue to suffer in the US military, due to basic training “boot camp”, to conflict deployment whom perished or wounded (physically and mentally – emotional/intellectually) from the American 1776 Revolution to present…

…for the liberty, freedoms that is enjoyed by all American citizens and our guests, as well a peaceful stability around the planet.

Generally, throughout US history, at any given point in time…

…only a mere 1% (one percent) of the American citizen population serves in the US Military. 

Truly the sacred one per centers (1%ers)!

Therefore, as freedom loving, protected American, US civilian citizens Ninety-Nine Percenters (the 99%ers), it is our incumbent and sacred duty to implement  this signaling act that We the People whom are ordered “more perfect the Union, establish justice, etc…” and to “keep the Republican Form of Government (RPG), thereby in turn protected the great legacies of their sacrifices for the liberties that is enjoyed by us all.

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