Lest We Forget II

The American Flag Shall Be Flown Upside Down As A Daily, Ever-Present Reminder That We the People Have An Obligation To The Primarily Military Men, Plus Women, As Well As Civilians Whom Gave Their Lives To Suffer Under  The Colors of The Stars and Stripes, The Star Spangled Banner…To Rectify The Causes of For Which It Is Flipped, Such As The Unfinished Matters of Black Lives, “the cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.” 

Since the 1960’s Civil Rights movements, Americans have witnessed and experienced repeatedly, various actions in the name of justice for US black citizens, ranging from marches, demonstrations, protests for police brutality even killings, television productions such as “Roots”, et al, only to fade away like smoke…as a fad.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us, to not allow “taken a knee”, marching, protesting-demonstrating, destroying property, crying out “Black Lives Matter” to be simply another hip-cool, passing fad, “lest we forget” and must repeat the ugly process over again.

Fifty – eight (58) years ago (as of 08/28/2021), at the 1963 Civil Rights March On Washington, DC, the young, late, slain prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr., prophesied in “I Have A Dream” of this era of the “rude awakening” saying…

‘Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.  The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

Therefore, it is the intent of my young colleagues and I to maintain the presence of what the world shout concerning the matter of black lives by daily “haunting” you until this 403 years of unrequited injustices against black American of chattel slavery heritage, et al, is rectified, i.e., “the bright day of justice”

“The Sun of Justice-Righteousness shall rise with Healing in His Wings (rays)” [Malachi 4:3]

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