Two and A Half  Matters of Black Lives


Black Citizens Homelessness

Being only 11-12% of USA national population, black citizens comprise over 60% of the homeless, primarily in major urban centers.

Example: Los Angeles County and City Proper, respectively, black citizens are 8-9% of general population, yet make up over 40% of homelessness.

Disproportionate Black Citizen Prison Inmate

While only 11-12% of USA national population, black male citizens are over 33% of prison.

Black Citizen Youth Warfare

According to Department of Justice, circa 7,500 young black males are killed from gunfire by the hands of young black males.

Such senseless, murderous war-like statistics is rooted in the pre-Transatlantic Slave Trade experience of primarily West and Central African peoples warring against each other for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

This disdain of people whom generally look like each other, being descendants of the Hametic- Cushite ancestors, is due to the same hatred that European whites; Asian Yellows; Brown Middle Easterners and Indian Subcontinent, and even blacks of that region, i.e., Southern India and Sri Lanka; North, Central, South American reds (Indigenous-erroneously dubbed “Indian”); and of course, the continual African blacks.

Being victims of general, wholesale war, i.e., POW’s, and from raids upon villages and towns by competing factions, i.e., clans; tribes; nations; and kingdoms, practicing the business of slavery in various forms…

…and subsequently chained and shackled together for sale off the African continent by certain Muslim and black indigenous slave traders to European, Christian, Jews, et al, i.e., Portuguese, Spaniards, British, French, Belgium, et al, merchants of the same business…

This mixed shackling of peoples caught in state of warfare, having never reconciled for peace, have through the maddening “Middle Passage” of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, onto the auction blocks of British-USA chattel slavery, has over the generations itched on the walls of their DNA, the ancient sentiments of the ancestors.

Ironically, for during the 245 years of actually chattel slavery, being over 4 (40 years) generations, there was none to very little “black on black violence”, even the slaves, no doubt carried on the traditions of distrust, disunity, dislike, even hatred, competitive sentiments collectively brought in them from Africa.

However, at the formal end of chattel slavery, circa June 19, 1865, from that time, while being the number minority, by 1963, black citizens had the highest rate of internal homicide than all other ethno-racial identities in the USA.

Even though white citizens via Congress enacted the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the final action to rid themselves of the 99 years era of Black Codes-Jim Crowism, the second form of slavery after that of chattel;

In an effort to rectify the constant, appalling, sicknesses crisis within black communities, even having nothing to do with other ethno-racial peoples, especially, white, many allowances for black cultural and history awareness throughout university and collegiate systems, along with many other “earned” societal privileges; including the enacting of two black oriented holidays, they being that of: the prophet, Martin Luther King and recently Juneteenth…

…instead “black on black” violence decreasing, it took a sharp turn for the worse, as is today.

This is a great mystery that I have learned from the Most High Himself to reveal to you.

All I request is that you allow me the opportunity to reveal this mystery, that we may heal from this history. “Up you mighty people. You can accomplish what you will.”

Please study STOP THE WAR: Silent, Ancient African, Black On Black Warfare Transferred and Continued Into America

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