Their/Our Exclusive, Federal Super Citizenship Authority To Equally and Equitably Participate In Governing This “New – New” Nation, that is, “Ordu Nordu Seclurum” (New Order of The Ages)
“For score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men (human beings) are created equal”
(President, Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863)
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (human beings) are created equal”
(Declaration of Independence, July 2-4,1776)
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
(Prophet MLK, Jr., “I Have A Dream”, August 28.1963)
Defined as the codified 1866-68 Civil Rights Act into the US Constitution by the 14th Amendment…
…being a specially, protected and supported, Federal-White House-President as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces enforced…
…super citizenship based in the Abraham Lincoln, January 1, 1863
Executive Ordered, Emancipation Proclamation…
“…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof…
…will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them…
in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.“
Note: This Executive Order fulfills for the former chattel slaves, now new and super citizens, whom were excluded in July 2-4, 1776, which states,
“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
[See Emancipation Proclamation]
This little known, super citizenship power is the great authority by which we black lives citizens conduct direct business with the federal government of the United States of America, Union republic in all matters pertaining to “…any efforts they (black lives citizens) may make for their actual freedom.“
As prophet, Martin Luther King, Jr., (MLK) prophesies of this day concerning the Promissory Note
“So we (black lives citizens” have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.“
Promissory Note: The official “currency, license, authority by which American, federal, black lives, super citizens are collectively Constitutionally authorized to conduct business matters with officially elected and appointed, government personnel as our Servants, from the President, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, as well as Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff; all Congressional Members; Supreme Court Members including Chief Justice, and their respective staffs.
This humongous power-authority is granted to us and our descendant children as the legal, Constitutional instrument by which we are able to catch up, not be superior to, a practiced, experiential citizenship experience “as is enjoyed by white citizens” according to Section 1 of The Act.
Further, the authority, which not other American citizens have access to is granted to us, the descendant children of our enslaved ancestors forever as long as the United States Union republic shall last, which is due to the 245 years of generations-destroying chattel slavery, not race, i.e., skin color and other anatomical features opposite of Caucasian-white or any other racial identities of willing immigration heritage; nor minority/majority status; nor religion.
In the Matters of Black Lives, a fundamental or foundational understanding must be ascertained about them/us as being an extremely divergent, multi-ethnic peoples warring against each other for generations within the African Continent; forced by slavery into a monolithic, collective-generational, body politic initially dwelling against their wills in this North American land, first under the jurisdiction of the British Empire, being owned as living, human property subjects of the English Royal Family from 1619 until July 2-4, 1776, when they/we were transferred into that of the United States.
As such, there are two basic elements in the matters of black lives, one being negative, while the other, positive…this matter concerns the latter.
The Negatives
There are many complex negative matters of black lives in the USA, in that they/we being only 11% of the national population, disproportionately, and too often numerically, lead all other ethno-racial groups in nearly every negative, social statistic…homelessness being their/our ultimate statement or manifestation of 402 years of unrequited injustices in this land. [See Black Homelessness]
The Great Positive Power
Nonetheless, there is one certain positive matter that supersedes them, that when finally revealed and embraced by learning its power, then exercising it accordingly, all the divergent matters of black lives will automatically align in their proper order of significance.
This principle is similar to that of Jesus/Yehushah’s exhortation to believers to first seek GOD’s Kingdom and all other matters of concern will automatically fall into alignment, thereby eliminating confusion of direction.
While we may or may not like the Republican Form of Government of the United States experiment in unprecedented governing, i.e., Ordu Nordu Secluruum – “New Order of the Ages”, nor being able to correctly identify its myriad injustices to black peoples, as well as others such as the aboriginal, native, indigenous inhabitants of what Europeans dubbed, North America, the fact remains, that via the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, black, as juxtaposed to the lives of others, are specifically discussed in its Constitution.
Indeed, it’s true, that initially, our black chattel enslaved ancestors were not included in the either the Declaration of Independence nor the US Constitution as beneficiaries, nor were women, the Indigenous Peoples…all of which were rectified by Amendments.
Of course, in the Constitution, black lives as chattel slaves are mentioned as a 3/5ths participant for the voting process between holders and non holders of slaves, white men, and not a genetic description of their/our ancestors’ humanity, which is contrary to popular, racist beliefs to keep us, their descendants, from finding out what is actually said about our identity and authority in it. [See Slavery In US Constitution]
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