Double Event of Sunday,
The New Epicenter of Universal Civility
Primary Objectives:
The Procession
2:00 pm – Procession Gathering At Rose Ave. & Ocean Front Walk
3:00 pm Pct – Procession Begins
4:30 pm. Pct Re-Raising Banner on the Hill of Justice

Regardless of differences, etc., this “truce” day will serve as a mutually awakened, living model “Offering” of Thanks and Appreciation in sight of the Thinking Universe and to Its Creator, with firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence by which the body politic of We the People make and hold order, truce, civility justice love peace.
Just Simply Imagine Together
Imagine every ethno-racial, religious-spiritual identity, social class status, age, etc., for one day, joining together in a singular, body politic, and perhaps instead of impending doom, our “truce” action may cause it to transform into global blessings. At least, We can try!
The Dual Actions
Direct Presidential Attention
This Day is designed to grab the attention of the President of the United States (POTUS), and by the authority of Section 8 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, including 4 and 9, plus 2, etc., being based the Emancipation Proclamation, he as Commander in Chief, is Constitutionally mandated expected0 to meet with and comply with our petitions, No excuses!
” and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”
Global Attention – “Think Globally. Act Locally”
Appealing to all world citizens of every nation in their correct concerns for the matters of black lives, i.e., federal; black citizens in/of the United States, which is the primary source of foreign nation’s countries’ existence; and as such is built upon the backs of chattel enslaved Americans.
Further appeals are to the Human Rights entity of the United Nations, The Hague, and other world bodies that address the national as well as individual, human rights injustices, along with every human rights watch NGO’s.
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