AMERICA: This New Spirit Within You

“Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;”
[2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194 (Simple)]

Similar to the Biblical spiritual operation of being born again, as alluded Psalms 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

After 403 years of “gestation”, the FULL, COMPLETE collective body of We the People America, is in our most prime, even optimum, and perhaps, the last and only time of a condition whereby we can finally be born into what President Lincoln identified in his November 19, 1863, Gettysburg Address as its long awaited, “new birth of freedom”.

As an embryo dreaming of its day of deliverance from the constrictions of the womb of this great, united, and unprecedented, soul of America for which We the People battle for today.

The matters of The Promissory Note, which is exclusive, federal, super citizenship status, makes black citizens, its Subject Beneficiaries, the very heart and soul at the center of all affairs of our Union Republican Form of Government of a “new” nation under GOD.

As Subject Beneficiaries awaken to their inherited matters in this “one nation under GOD”, the child “America” consisting of all US citizens, regardless of racial identity, thereby all lives matter, will together be born into freedom.

This birth being delayed for 155 years, the Congressional enactment of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, i.e., The Promissory Note was and remains intended to rectify 245 years of generations-destroying, chattel slavery.

Therefore,in tight of the present, natural and ever-growing agitation of white/black racial, civil unrest and “systemic racism”. now is the time for that “bright day of justice to emerge” as prophesied by prophet Martin Luther King, Jr., for the sake of keeping the Republic, thereby saving our Union.”

The Long unhealed “wounds” between the Americans of willing immigration heritage, i.e., white citizens, regardless of race, and those of chattel slavery, have nurtured in them/us an accusatory, bitter, resentful and mostly fearful attitudes which nurtures, agitates and intensifies the matter more.

Thanking GOD, those painful “wounds” can now be healed by applying the divine principles of generational accountability of Repentance; proceeded by Acknowledgement of wrong doing; whereby the offender (willing immigrants) offers to the offended (chattel slaves), Reconciliation, i.e., make it right, regardless of whatever it takes.

The Sacred 2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194
The “medicine” word is Reconciliation, which is agreement, penance, rapprochement, conciliation, adjustment, balancing, unity, peacemaking, settlement, etc.

Such medicinal procedures are now readily available, as 99 % of US citizens, particularly the Subject Beneficiaries themselves are unaware of the once “hidden-secret”, federal document of Congressional Resolution Apology.

As stated in this sacred Resolution HR #194, is the first step towards reconciling the initial 245 years of chattel slavery (1619-1865) plus the 99 of Black Codes-Jim Crowism (1865-1964) etc., which is the central, critical matter of all of America’s woes.

Ironically, this “document of healing and reconciliation” was enacted in July 2008, the very year in which We the People elected its first, so called, African-American, “black” – mixed race President.

The document is: HR 194 (Simple), wherein, Congress, on behalf of all white, i.e., willing immigrants Americans acknowledged, apologized for, and seeks Reconciliation for Slavery and Jim Crowism.

To know of this spiritual matter further whereby you can join myself and a growing number of other now cognizant citizens in our national campaign of making this once “hidden” Resolution known by all concerned, please visit: and see this series of links, “Sacred SECRET: The “White Man” Apologized”

Thanks for your immediate participation.

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