According to Article 4, Section 4 of the United States Constitution, We the People are governed and guided by a Republican Form of Government.
“The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”
The USA is not a “nation of immigration”, (lest the soulful matter of what the Constitution defines as “INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE”, i.e., chattel enslavement of their/our ancestors, is rendered inconsequential, thereby trending them/us towards being psychologically and even physically eliminated – genocide);
…nor is it a democracy, but indeed a republic.
Hence, all US Citizens, regardless of any political association or persuasion, are not Democratic, but rather Republican, not the political entity that was created in 1854-56 to end chattel slavery, et al, but rather, a governing ideology to be duly and daily exercised We the People, functioning, body politic.
The word “democracy” is not found in the Constitution, or Declaration of the Independence.
Democracy is, one person, on vote in matters of governance, which tends to deteriorate into slow decision making, and out frustration, resulting into rapid mass-mob rule, even riotous violence.
Whereas, rebublicacy, republicanism, et al, is more rapid ideology in that the masses vote for a person to makes decisions on their presumed behalf, especially in legislative matters such as members or Aldermen of City Councils; Supervisors of Counties; State Assembly and Senate; both US Houses of Congress, i.e., Representatives and Senate; or even in law enforcement such as City Attorneys, County Sheriffs and District Attorneys, State Attorney Generals, and certain judges, including the President by direct voting and Electoral College.
Ballot measures, referendums, propositions, etc., or recall petitions are the only matters whereby direct voting is done by the masses.
The presumption of democracy is the primarily reason for so much confusion in governance, resulting in chaos, and unnecessary political bickering in this, the second two foundational laws, which are The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution.”cold” Civil War between white citizens over the matter of American blacks (formerly dubbed, the “Negro Problem”).
Such is due to the fact, that unfortunately, perhaps 98% of We the People in this Republican Form of Government displays ignorance about the existence of The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution, having never studied nor even read, and those who have done so, are unable to comprehend their content.
Actually, individuals or masses whom are not well versed in these two foundational laws can be easily manipulated by primarily emotional appeals as the voters don’t have a base from which to judge and determine the validity of a candidate of ballot measures, referendums, propositions and recall petition.
Only by proficient understanding of these two laws, can there be revolutionary evolution for progressively forward change, as even called for the Declaration of Independence.
“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Therefore, it’s imperative that every member of We the People be encouraged, enlightened and educated in these laws before voting, or even making criticism of government and its public Servants.
In fact, such education must be conducted from preschool, elementary through middle-junior-senior high school and collegiate, etc., because herein lays the destiny of this Union Republican Form of Government of the United States of America.
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