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#unpsidedownflag #overthewhitehouse

Nationwide Video Conference On The Matters of Black Lives

As I am a lone individual, with very few active followers, my small team and I need the assistance of anyone who wants to actual participate in rectifying the matters of black lives in the USA…

…we need your immediate help with organizing this much needed video conference.  This effort won’t cost you a “dime”, just some of your time and genius to make this effort reality.  Interested?

For Contact Information and To Be In Conference
Email –
Phone – 424-248-4219 (Text Me)
Instagram & Facebook- Ted

Topics Are Varied and Many

The Initial-First Matters of Black Lives:

Positive A:  The Most Important and Significant Matter Is The Little Known, Federal, Super Citizenship of Black Lives As US Citizens
Positive B:  The 2008 Congressional, Apology For Slavery and Jim Crowism Resolution HR# 194 (Simple)

 The Proverbial “white man” Has Actually BY LAW Acknowledged, Apologized, Asked Forgiveness and
Reconciliation Which Contains The Matters of Reparation-Repair-Reconcile

Negative A:  Black Citizens Homelessness
Negative B:  The Continual Ancient African Black On Black Warfare Throughout America
Negative C:  Disunity, Despair, Which Leads To The Warfare

Positive C:  These Two Visible-Initial Devastations Along With The Myriad of Others Matters Destroying Black Lives In The USA, Can and Will Be Rectified By The Authority and Power of Their/Our Super Citizenship


    1. Hey Anneliese Rivera, Shalom!
      Thanks so kindly for staying in touch.

      Please begin by reading and studying this site as a text book.
      We must be vigilant to not react to injustices by emotion but rather, must intelligently move forward and act proactively by knowing our doctrinaire.


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