The Novel COVID – 19 Virus: Witness of The Homeless


See: Government Dilemma

Either the Novel Corona COVID-19 Virus (NCC-19V) is either highly dangerous to the general public, or it is not, as the homeless populations is its bellwether or barometer of truth.

Based on selective “scientific” of certain of our hypocritical, tax paid, public Servants operating the government for us, the NCC-19V Virus is deemed extremely dangerous to human life.

  • Subsequently, this selective information has afforded the convenient impetus to arbitrarily issue health and safety guidelines, ordinance, laws, etc., that “lock down” We the People’s restaurants, small businesses, even healthy, outdoor recreation activity, as well as all housed- non homeless residents to continue social distancing, mask wearing, frequent hand washing, and testing for the virus in order to mitigate it…at least through to Christmas 2020.
  • However, our COVID “liquored” intoxicated, dictating, insensitive public Servants are now confronted with a glaring problem with their, foolish health and safety COVID laws, which is the following:

While housed persons are subject to fines and/or arrests for violating the COVID laws, the various, “visible” homelessness populations are ignored, in that, such don’t obey them…not social distancing, non mask wearing, nor regular hand washing, and refusal of testing.

The Meaning:
Such stark awareness exposes two very difficult matters that must be resolved immediately and that being our public Servants:

  1. Don’t care about the state and fate of US citizen homeless, by willfully subjecting them to this highly dangerous, infectious virus, revealing that these Servants violate all International Human Rights Laws, and especially those of US 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, hence exposing their cold, heartless, and hatred towards these most vulnerable human beings.
  2. Violate the 14th Amendment “equal justice-protection under the law” clause in that while housed residents are fined for violating the Codes of NCC19V, homeless/houseless citizens are free to not practice them…in other words, exempt homeless/houseless citizens from the NCC19V Codes, which is unconstitutional.


A. The NCC-19V is not as deadly as purported by certain science and government Servants, after all

B. However, if indeed, it is highly dangerous to general public as purported, then the matter reverts back to Number 1, which makes our offending public Servants criminally responsible for crimes against humanity, etc.

Hence, the homeless should have been the first to addressed concerning the Virus, because they are its last strong hold…meaning that the COVID mania is can’t be declared over until the homeless resistant are tested.

How Can Resistant Homeless Be Tested?:
Given the numbers of individuals dwelling in outlawed public health and safety zones, i.e., “the streets”, encampments and even RV’s, local law enforcement (police, sheriffs, state police, highway patrol) is not equipped to handle the job of forcefully rounding up the thousands of “outlawed” citizens and transporting these victims to facilities outside the urban or general populations indefinitely to be tested and treated, as well as collect the remaining hundreds of tons of “trash”, i.e., former, government sanctioned, makeshift shelters.

Therefore, the only option is the nationwide Presidential, federalization of National Guard units and if necessary regular troops to rapidly and systematically accomplish the task, even before the general public can respond with any protests of this Nazistic tactic to rid the general public of the human, health and safety threat.

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