WTP: Narrative For Alignment

We the People Body Politic

“…in ORDER to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility…” (The Preamble, US Constitution)
See https://nf2now.com/authwepee/

Narrative For We the People Alignment

Participation in the We the People Body Politic doesn’t require 100 % agreement with the contents of the Comprehensive, Strategic, National, Policy and Plan that eradicates, homelessness culture and its mainstream, societal causes (CSNPP), but rather the adherence to the basic “blue print” of the Plan.

Matters For Your Consideration
Below are the matters that our We the People body politic, individually and collectively need to ponder, coalesce around, being in basic agreement.

Later you in will learn in greater details the plans and strategies, etc., by which you will be fully equipped to successfully perform your/our US Constitutional tasks and duties.

“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, and that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.” Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 19, 1863)

For Your Consideration

  1. Societal Mainstream Resistance by Homeless Culture Citizens

  2. Insurmountable obstacles preventing homeless citizens from either returning, or for the first-time, entering the turbulent, stress-filled “currents” of mainstream society, which initially pushed and cast them to its’ outer edges into the outlawed, public health and safety-lands zones.

  3. Extremely High Costs of Living
    Rentals, and especially due to the recent, turbulent, stressful financial “currents” of rapidly rising inflating costs of living, has greater increase the improbability of “getting off the streets” and into the mainstream.

Subsequently, being unable to cope with the mainstream stresses, inability to “get off the streets” homeless citizens naturally, like any human being, acclimate to the environments of homelessness culture.  See: “Mainstream Resistance”https://domesticpeacecorps.org/mstr/

Ironically, the homelessness culture citizens are finding their own freedoms and tranquility in the midst of what appears to the average onlooker, to be misery and even mental illnesses.

Such answers the mystery of the homeless cultured persons’ resistance to various rehabilitative, social services programs geared to mainstream them into the same society.

You  basically agree with this assessment, don’t you?  If not, what is your reasoning and humane resolution to the mystery?

3.  Mainstream Maladies
Such stresses cause most mainstream inhabitants to become vulnerable to frequent usage of, and/or substance addictions to alcohol and narcotics, ranging from illicit street drugs/dope, and physician/psychiatric prescribed medicines.

Whereas those who are too “weak” to cope with such harsh, stressful culture, are subsequently pushed, forced, cast to the outer limits of society into the outlawed, public health and safety zones…

…and thereby criminalized, even demonized, and “legitimately” subject to individuals and/or massive law enforcement arrest at any time.  Provided if, and when, the resources are available!

It is my grave concern that if our CSNPP is rejected, eventually, the mass military roundup and incarceration becomes the only alternative to the failures of traditional, well-meaning social services programs attempting “mainstreaming” them.

4. The Multi-billion Dollars Stress-Driven Industries

Like social service providers, most observers erroneously tend to advocate the “fixing” of homelessness, i.e., “helping the homeless” and “get them off the streets”, is rehabilitation from their open, “everybody sees it”, frequent usage of, and/or addictions to narcotic and alcoholic beverages, including related, emotional demeanor, clinical mental illnesses, or/and anti-social behavior disorders, as well as criminal actions.

However, the question remains:

“Rehabilitate the homeless, back to what?  The same old stressful, painful turbulent “currents” of mainstream, society cultures-lifestyle, that causes all the aforesaid maladies”

Most incarcerated persons are homeless, but rather housed, working, money making-hustling, debt ridden, tax burdened peoples of the stressed out, mainstream society.

Such is especially poignant in many crimes of capitalistic greed of “white collar” corruption, which ultimately spawns homelessness.

Due to ignorance and the frustration of their lives as mirrored back to them by homelessness, mainstream cultured citizens tend to “gas light” those who are homeless in order to assuage their own substance addictions, frequent usage of alcohol, narcotics, and mental illnesses.

b. Rehabilitative programs reasoning is proven failure, because it’s the highly and understandably stressed, housed mainstream citizens, not those whom are  homeless, who drives the multibillion dollars industries of – alcohol, professionally prescribed medicines (narcotics), illicit street drugs, and the psychotherapy industries.

AllegoryTo “rehabilitate” homeless citizens into the very same elements that pushed and locked them out of mainstream society, is like telling people escaping a burning building, to go back inside.

Don’t you agree this with assessment? If not, why not and what is your assessment?

5.  EXODUS from the Outer Limits to Promised, Federal Land(s)

Given the two scenarios, according to the CSNPP, through the Executive Authority and power, of the POTUS, We the People, body politic will create and develop, new, planned cities, or self-sustaining, “productively give back to society”, working communities.

See: “Federal Lands For Productive Living” https://nf2now.com/str-fedland/

Also see: https://nf2now.com/think/

Note: These communities are not just for homeless persons, but insistently they of “mixed multitudes” of people from every social, civic, and economic, political, religious-spiritual persuasionsNOT JUST HOMELESS, of which I would vehemently oppose, as any such schemes are simply concentration camps.

These new lands will have all the proper and necessary amenities for productive citizenship lifestyles, including the establishment of public Service offices of mayor, city management, council, attorney general, including law enforcement, and rescue, even social services, etc.

See: “Domestic Peace Corps” https://domesticpeacecorps.org/town/

Note: These communities will be equipped to humanely and properly address the matters of the severe or clinically mentally ill; lonely senior citizens; all levels of physical disabilities; even places for ex sex offenders; stray and/or unwanted animals (domestic pets, et al).

This presentation is not a utopian dream state, but rather a new aspect of society that affords all who will participate, the opportunity to work smartly and play safely without the extreme stresses of present mainstream that they are willing exiting or forced out of. which produces the homelessness culture!

Don’t you agree?!? If not, what are you offering?

4.  The Promised Land

Title V. of Stuart McKinney – Vento, Congressional, Homeless Assistance Act, being law, states that any and all federal surplus properties are for homelessness purposes.

“Title V of the McKinney-Vento Act imposes requirements on federal agencies to identify and make available surplus federal property, such as buildings and land, for use by states, local governments, and nonprofit agencies to assist homeless people.”

Note: This includes closed military bases, already equipped with infrastructure to be refurbished, which generates gainful employment across a broad spectrum of individuals, including capable homeless persons, and the necessary construction contracting firms.

The Justiceville Activist lobbied this portion of the Law into existence.  A very little known fact.

The Great and Powerful Assets of Black Citizenship – By POTUS and Military Enforcement
Based on the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act
of federal, White House- Presidential, 1861 Emancipation Proclamation-based, federal super citizenship status of black citizens, existent in federal law provisions for them to access such land for their “actual freedom” (Emancipation Proclamation)

See: Emancipation Proclamation (edited) of POTUS and Military enforcement of black citizenship https://mattersofblacklives.com/mili/

“…all persons held as slaves…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free;
…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief, of the Army…And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves…are, and henceforward shall be free…and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons….And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.”

See 1866 Civil Rights Act, Section 8 https://mattersofblacklives.com/the_act/

“And be it further enacted, That whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act…it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;” (edited)

See:The Power of the Presidency” https://mattersofblacklives.com/potus/

Ironically, and ultimately to the benefit of all homeless, et al and white citizens, the federal, black citizens, being the descendants of chattel slaves are the national, disproportionate predominance of homeless populations, that being over 60%, and in LA City and County, they are a mere 8-9% of their general population, yet over 40% in each respectively, and over 90% percent on Skid Row are black males, followed by black females, and then a mix of other demographics.

Subsequently, black citizens have the legal and moral high ground of our Union Republic to drive the matters of this particular homelessness resolution.

See: “A Civil Rights Matter” https://nf2now.com/jsap-1999/

However, along with the actual Article V of the McKinney-Vento Act, black citizens in legal and moral possession to gains these federal lands for themselves and of course all other homeless persons, and they who seek participate in this great, societal stress relieving effort.
See: https://mattersofblacklives.com/batram/

Don’t you agree with this particular use of our federal lands, etc.?!?  If not, what do you offer for proper living space?

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