The Blessed, Peculiar Power of Youth White Privilege


The time has come, “now is the time…fierce urgency of now”…

…in US history, that the American, white citizens whom are of the heritage of willing immigration and have benefited from their ability to practice-exercise, Declaration of Independence, Creator endowed, “certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, i.e. property…

…was/is built upon the backs of chattel slaves via a peculiar, industrial institution so named (Chattel Slavery-Living, human property)…

…to recognize the full purpose of such “white” privilege  and their subsequent, Federal Constitutional, We the People responsibilities, duties and orders according the Preamble, “to more perfect the Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, etc”…

…by utilizing that blessing to rectify the 402 years of requited injustices against Americans of the unwilling, black African Slave Trade heritage in this British Empire land transformed into the United States of America, Union Republican Form of Government New Order of the Ages – “Ordu Nordu Secluruum” nation.

No longer should or must white youth citizens feel the horrible emotion of guilt due to:
A.  their race, i.e. skin color and other anatomical features directly opposite to those of black citizens;

B. and their inherited wealth from their immediate, grand and even ancestral parents of willing immigration heritage gained from the grievously grave, economic, social, civic, political, including religious-spiritual, systemic imbalances in this Anglo-American society.

Rather, it’s time that they “cash-in” on their “promissory note” incredible privilege gained by their hard working parents to provide them with great or good education and lifestyle, to now apply it to the crucial matters of black lives, both negative and positive.

“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.” (Prophet MLK, Jr. – “I Have A Dream”, August 28,1963)

The myriad of American misguided, but correctly passionate youths who aimlessly marched in the streets of America, loudly proclaiming, “whose streets? our streets!” because “black lives matter”, etc., can now take the guided, well council action that will ultimately make their ancestors highly proud of them, as they will accomplish what their parents could not, though it was in their hearts to do so.

This action by the millions of young, non black youths, including those tens of millions more whom weren’t able to take to “the streets”, will serve as the great, yearned and prayed for liberation for themselves and their parents from the purported evils of systemic, “white guilt”, i.e., of racism.

Remember: White or non black youths whom have been blessed with such wealth of prosperity must no longer grieve about something that they were born into, having no choice in the matter, therefore, no need for self-flagellation guilt, but rather, a develop a greater sense of responsibility to what they have inherited from their fore parents, gain from chattel slavery and subsequent systemic racism.

Also, remember: While not guilty of the 245 years of chattel slavery, nor, the 99 subsequent years of Jim Crowism, i.e., racial discrimination of white citizens over those whom are black, nor of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as well as other white supremacist entities, therefore nor the construction of systemic racism…

…they are nonetheless responsible and accountable to rectify these negative matters for succeeding generations and together with black lives as a conjoined, citizens battering ram against the gates of injustice, enforce-actualize, manifest those which are positive.

The first and initial positive manifestations the matters of black lives are:
A.  The Federal, Black Super Citizenship of Black Citizens;

B.  the 2008 Official Congressional Apology For Slavery and Jim Crowism Resolution HR# 194 (Simple).

These two initial actions will vastly help to increase the necessary rectification of the primary, most visible and immediate negative matters of black lives, which are:
A.  black homelessness;

B.  and the continual, ancient African, black on black warfare being waged in America whereby circa 7,500 primarily, young, innocent, black boys and men are killed by gunfire from their hands of their rivaling fellows.

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